Yeahhh if I was doing that, wonderful. But I wasn't. Being stuck in the middle of the state for five days is a nice reminder of why you wanted to get away so badly in the first place. It's a time capsule, this part of the world.
i got a "traffic citation" for calling someone on my cell phone thing while driving on the interstate in upstate new york
i had been dueling the cop for thirty miles, tantalizing him by going about ten over, never quite crossing the line. then i pulled out my cell phone and violated natural law and he just couldn't restrain his lil behatted self anymore
we went through the usual cat and mouse where he tried to get me to admit to being a stain on the rug of humanity and finally he said well, i'll ignore the speeding (ha!) and just write you a thing for being on your cell phone. i indicated that i cared not, he insisted i would see a maximum fine of 50, we both moved on with our lives, mine enjoyable, his soulless
anyway my ticket came in the mail and it was 250 the end fuck upstate new york in the west we drive with our cell phones in spring-loaded holsters ready to rumble
Sorry, raisin, I wasn't talking about Kanata, Ontario. I was playfully referring to Canada by its original name.
- The name “Canada” likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.” In 1535, two Aboriginal youths told French explorer Jacques Cartier about the route to kanata; they were actually referring to the village of Stadacona, the site of the present-day City of Québec.
'twer all of the above by the way i meant to send this to you:
was topic of discussion, i recall, at the Meetup
I got pulled over for a busted license plate light and the cop thought I was giving him lip when I said I had forgotten to change my address on my drivers license.
Paid $125 because 'Sorry, I forgot to do that, I've been living on my own for less than a month.' is sass to an Ingham County Sheriff.
Paid another $125 because my cellphone was turned on and sitting in the passenger seat.
Went in to pay the ticket and the guy behind the counter whistled and said 'you must have really pissed him off, I've never seen these citations once and I've been here almost 20 years.'
I was once cited for turning left at a green light into the inside lane while an oncoming car turned right at a green light into his inside lane. In other words, we started out coming at each other, then ended up driving alongside each other.
I took it to court. The citing officer showed up and spent twenty minutes trying to find the law he had written me up for as we all sat there in silence.
After an interminably long time he said "well, your honor, I'm sure it's in here somewhere" at which point the judge said "good enough for me."
I crossed my arms and signed. The judge said "do you want to spend the weekend in jail, young man?"
I would have said "absolutely, your honor, I'd love to see you explain this one" except I had to take the SAT the next day.
Ah, I can see that. I was in Newcomb for two days, and that area reminds me a lot of rural Wisconsin where I grew up. Beautiful but, as you said, a time capsule.