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comment by snoodog
snoodog  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Will the Left Survive the Millennials?

Ill bite... ButterflyEffect.

Hillary is bullshit - because she is the "Not Trump" candidate. 4 More years of failed BHO policies except with more wars. Hope? Change? Nah fuck you more of the same. Also she so right of democrats politically that I don't see a liberal legacy here. Shes totally detached from the "Basket of Delorables" that are struggling to make ends meet in this country and has no interest in helping them. Shes such a bad candidate that Trump who is basically the "Fuck me?... Well fuck you, I'll vote this guy in and we will all suffer together candidate" actually has a decent chance of winning.

Cars and Houses are bullshit... because ZIRP and "Post Growth" have created and environment where common folks are just renters. Good luck owning anything as an "Average" millennial. 300/month car payment, 1500 for that 1 BR apt, 600 for that student loan not much left after that for "Savings". Even those that save are getting hit by asset price inflation. That poor millennial that's saving up for a a house needs to save an extra 8K for every year just to keep up with the increasing amount of money he would need to put down as a down-payment on a 400k house (10% of a 80k down payment).

Oh and cars well auto manufacturers and digital copyright laws are making it easy to lock out any repairs on cars unless done by a dealer. So you are going to be renting that car soon regardless of if you technically own it or not.

The ability for class mobility is quickly disappearing and it sucks if you grew up thinking that it was possible to become wealthy only to realize that all the money you make is being transferred to someone else. To be fair Europeans have been in this situation for a good part of 20 years and its finally hit us here in there states.

ButterflyEffect  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yikes. Those dollar figures are scarily close to mine. Rent is high, but I don't live in Seattle because fuck that percentage of income I'd have to pay to live there.

Nothing feels promising because of what you've described above.

kleinbl00  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude you're older than me. YOUR answer isn't under request.

snoodog  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Your are under 30? I thought you were the senior curmudgeon here.

kleinbl00  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Huh. I stand corrected. You act like an old person.

I'm pretty sure our senior curmudgeonlyness goes lil, francopoli, me.

snoodog  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm just right of you politically. A lot of people associate that with being old.

lil  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I might be senior here, except for thenewgreen's grandfather who used to grace us with his lurking. As for curmudgeonlyness, kb, you'll have to take that honour.

I have been curmudgeonly, it's true, but only about hyphen usage, and I might be on the verge of becoming a writing reconstructionist. As for this statement, kb:

    (1) Their parents are Boomers, who grew up sheltered and overprivileged.

Were boomers sheltered and overprivileged? I think you mean the gen y'ers. Boomers, you may recall, ran away from home en masse; burned their draft cards; went to San Francisco or somewhere and started communes, recycling, and the counter culture; benefited from the combination of antibiotics for STDs and the pill which led to free sex, before AIDS fucked that up. Then they got straight jobs and did all the bad things that their parents did when they got affluent.

I don't know what I'm talking about. I shouldn't generalize about generalizations. Over and out.

btw, I'm a boomer and was not sheltered NEARLY E-FUCKING-NUFF.

Edit: I will read the article too, when I get a chance.

oyster  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I definitely thought Goobster was older than you, I stand corrected.

kleinbl00  ·  3102 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fuck. He totally is.