If I've got the math right... which I probably don't - Today is 5 years on hubski for me.
Thanks for the good times and the hard discussions. Thanks for the inspiration and creativity. Thanks for the friendship.
This is not a complete list... but here are some fun bits from along the way:
I got muted by kleinbl00
I got unmuted by KB - Apologies goes a long way.
We've posted some stickers
We've had some meet-ups
thenewgreen was kind enough to let me put video to his audio
I get to keep up with some old friends like cgod and ecib
I've got a new friend in lil
I've had some changes of heart
Anyway... mk, insomniasexx, forwardslash, rob05c, thenewgreen and the rest of the team - thanks. Thanks so much for your endless dedication to this place. It's so much more than just a site to me. And thank you to all of the users who make this place amazing. Thank you... for everything.
That's awesome! It's great seeing some of your comments and posts around here steve. What's been the most surprising change you've noticed in yourself in these five years?
Dayum, dude. Long-ass time. For the record, this was the angry discussion between Steve and myself. It is clear that the angry party is me, not Steve, and it's worth an update. Of the two "drunks" in my life, one hasn't threatened my father with a knife for at least two years and still isn't dead, much to my annoyance. The other passed through a cohabitation, an engagement, a pregnancy, an abortion and a breakup before we discovered that it wasn't her first offense, it was her third... and that she was attempting to get my wife and I to perjure ourselves in court documents which could have led to my wife being unable to practice medicine. Never let it be said I have perfect emotional dispassion. Good on ya, Steve. Thanks for being the mature one.
I can't claim to have been mature. That was a really surreal couple days. and yep... that was a LONG time ago. long enough that I didn't even bother looking for the link. But given the number of "Hey - why did KB mute me?" posts we get - I thought it appropriate to share that hey, we all get into it once in a while and as you've stated before... apologies go a long way.
you, ecib, greedo, Carl Sagan and I.... they were lonely days. In celebration of my hubday, it seems only logical to head over to the donations page.
That "change of heart" post was great. BTW in Canada about $6K per annum per taxpayer covers it and I do not care whether lazy or obese people are covered with that. So are you and I with heart attacks and cancer or even a little injury. I never used health care except for minor sports injuries before last year. And I nor anyone I know have ever complained about that. IMO no one should have to worry about receiving quality health care. I am not going to say it is a human right, but it is pretty damn close as it is required for a quality life.
Thank you my friend. I look forward to working on more projects together. Happy fifth #hubday!
My dad's best friend Dave, may he rest in peace, was an old roadie for a bunch of british bands. He was a BIG Old Whistle Stop fan and gifted me a bunch of DVD's of these performances. This is a fantastic one. Both this performance and the album have the best snare sounds of all time. Listen to that. Smiling and waiving and looking so fine... -love his theatrics here. A long time favorite lyric: "and it was cold, and it rained and I felt like an actor." -
Thanks! for leading me to this :