thenewgreen has been kind enough to let me sit on this for (checks mail: "oh god") 9 days.
An old proverb says: "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Do you agree?
I'm really thankful to have the network of friends that I do. Hubski is certainly a collection of folks that I consider a resource, and it is an honor to have any one of you consider me your friend. I try to give back to everyone, when I can, but it never feels like sufficient recompense. Anyway.
So feel free to muse on the qualities people look for in friends, or what makes a good friendship. Post an epic story of a close alliance between two (or more) humans (or animals), evolutionary theory applied to friendship, insightful sociological theory on friendship, etc. etc. And don't hesitate to bash me for choosing such a broad/vague tagoftheweek. Been feelin' cheesy lately.
Shoutouts: givello flagamuffin Keibler waywardsamurai coffeesp00ns _refugee_ Run_Train FishEggHat bfv Meriadoc lil briandmyers unsignedinteger ecib kleinbl00 insomniasexx OftenBen forwardslash grey mk b_b tacocat Quatrarius
Happy Wednesday/Pubskiday, everyone.
I'm so tempted to share the ridiculous things I've pm'd you before visiting Boulder a few months ago.
Guess that makes us friends.
I was just thinking about this yesterday, when Meriadoc commented on my Facebook status, that I know most of you fuckers and your day-to-day and life than my real friends. Is that sad?
I too was just thinking about this yesterday. I received a phone call from my oldest friend for the first time in months that made me super happy.
We met the first day of school after the Xmas break in grade six. His family had just emigrated from Ireland and so he was the new kid at school. On the lunch break outside in the yard the biggest, baddest 8th grader started pushing him around and so Robbie "beat the crap out of him" to the extent that any 6th grader can. Afterwards I picked his hat up off the ground, wiped it off and gave it back to him and introduced myself. (Yes I apparently was kissing ass!)
We then went to high school together, went separate ways for university, traveled to a dozen or so countries together afterwards, helped build out first houses together, etc. but had never talked about that day or the way we met.
In hind sight if I thought about it I am sure that was probably not the way we met as memories change over time. I was in his wedding party and the night before the ceremony he and his wife hosted family and those that had traveled from afar. He took that opportunity to stand up and give each one of us gifts and tell a little story about why each person was there. And the story he told about me was exactly what I just told you. Our memories did not diverge at all.
He is a super great dude with an incredibly beautiful and smart and funny wife and daughter. Well traveled, super well read, ridiculously athletic, professionally accomplished, morally grounded, everything. Just everything. I am so grateful to have him in my life. Unfortunately the last time we spent any amount of time together was when his parents were in palliative car a few months ago and they died within 24 hours of each other.
I am also lucky enough to have four other people in my life that I have known since grade 10 and who I am in touch with all the time. They are much different than me in the sense that they did not go away to school, have never traveled much, don't read much, etc. but I fucking love those guys. Twice a year we get together at one of our cottages and shoot guns, fish and hunt for our food, cook up ridiculous amounts of things, drink a lot of booze and smoke a lot of weed. They are absolute hosers and I love them.
And all of those guys would drop everything to help you out at a moments notice no questions asked. That has been put to the test several times and they have all passed with flying colors. Another thing I love about them is that, while they are "super manly", inevitably during our weekends the conversation turns to serious things and no one gives a fuck if you are "sensitive" or something hurts you emotionally or makes you cry. This last meeting was especially tough as the sixth member of the group was just the first person I know to have died from a disease; bone cancer. And that is another story all together but to give you a snap-shot of his character: he was married about ten years ago to a woman that had three kids and she was diagnosed with cancer the week after they got married and died within a year. So he adopted the three girls and raised them to be awesome chicks and now he is dead too. He went from being a single guy to a single dad of three girls in one year. And a great one at that. That is a true testament to his character.
Oh god insom reads my facebook statuses doesn't she.
Nah, not sad. Different, and arguably progressive.
I like all of the specialized social networks popping up. New networks "scratch the niche" (I just accidentally thought of this phrase and am now googling it, results are: I am not original) that Linkedin or Facebook never did. Linkedin was only ever a formalized, professional Facebook, after all, particularly useful for those looking to hire or be hired. If you're not in the market for either of those things, I don't see much appeal, apart from building a profile for when you're hiring/applying. ResearchGate is great for my science stuffs, and SoundCloud is a nice tool for both producers and consumers of music (better than BandCamp imo), particularly independent and/or electronic music artists.
Paragraph for anyone unfamiliar with ResearchGate - you make a profile, and can follow actual working scientists who chronicle the papers they author/co-author as presented to you in a news feed. A lot of times, the scientist gets the green light to upload a full .pdf of the article, hosted by ResearchGate. It's great for producers of science and consumers, contributors, stalkers/moms, etc., and you know your bf wants to read about what happens when the interplanetary magnetic field has a large southward component.
I want to hear about other new specialized social networks. Please, no deviantart, erowid, YikYak. Actually, those are kind of decent examples of the direction I'm looking for in emerging networks. SoundCloud isn't even new, so you can call me out on that, no prob. Anything related/relevant, post it.
There is a growing peer-to-peer network of #friendships (#heh#) that I see myself stoking. Text messages, emails, phone calls, and especially face-to-face interaction. Almost like passing it through a standardized medium undermines the authenticity in a way we can't quite pin down. There's no way my spirit embodies the typeface you're reading this in. Even my handwriting style is only a huge simplification of me. I'm grasping for uniqueness, but it could be my 1/3rd life crisis or something.
What I'm really trying to say is: If I had a f-book, I'd spam you all with f-requests.
Probably should have posted this in pubski, but every #friendship post should be like a pubski, I guess. So... cheers to that.
Edit: this isn't just to insom, it's to all of you :)
Oh my God you've put into words how I feel about something I didn't realize I needed words to explain.
I will give you some, though my biggest problem is that I wish more people used said networks. Check on the edit in a bit, I have to go tell ThatFanficGuy why True Detective S2 was terrible (and maybe actually do some work at some point)
Take your time. I'm too busy for anything but authoring occasional longform Hubski posts for now. Someday I'll be back in full force.
I think #styleski lasted almost two months, maybe more. You never know with the ebb and flow of this place. Your odds aren't bad for 10 days though. :)
styleski got caught in limbo because i couldn't figure out whether i should assign the #1 comment (in the original thread) or the #1 post in the thread and then there was a question of timing... eventually TNG just made the call to move the tag on
Hey, no complaints from me. Not a huge fan of rigidity in schedules. #tagofthemoment?
Good choice of a tag, it made me think about a few things. There are 14 people that I talk to at least twice a week whom I have never met in person. Of these 14, there are 9 that I have know for more than a decade and consider them close friends. If it was not for the internet and video games, I'd have never met them and my life would be less whole due to their absence.