Because it is ALL THAT I HAVE DONE since veen remembered me it was on Steam the other day. This morning I built a roller coaster that is entirely underground. Last night I drowned a few dozen people for having incorrect thoughts. Ha! Maybe this afternoon I'll open a FRIES STALL!
Theme parks in asteroid craters! Theme parks in Belgium! Theme parks in deserts and jungles and icy climes!
Theme parks everywhere under the sun and flagamuffin gets nothing else done! Theme paaaaaaaaaaaaaarks!
I've been playing it too. Found screens of one of my old parks, soo much nostalgia, it feels like 2003 again. I really liked to make realistic parks. It was a thing to make a new map yourself and build a park throughout the decades, where each update was a new year with a new ride or thing.
I'm either gonna make your experience much worse or much better. Sorry for the former, good self control is needed for the latter. To make stuff like that, you may have noticed that I placed objects far closer than possible by the game. This can be done via trainers, which are small .exes that make you God: 8 Cars Per Trainer (106 Kb Download). You can: get infinite money. Build through things (this can potentially glitch your save up though). Get batches of guests, you can deliver 1000 guests on your doorstep. Give all guests park maps, umbrellas, lots of money or food. Change the weather. Fix all the rides. Make everyone happy. Tip: get as many guests as you can. Put them on a 1x1 path over water with No Entry signs. Give them all balloons. Remove path and let them all drown. Now try to pop as many balloons as possible before they go out of your screen. I'm gonna click on some ducks some more. gak gak gak
Mannnn, I would build the most extravagant coasters, totally custom, entangled messes of beauty. I'd wait for my scientists to develop some of the later coaster technologies and then just go to town. My challenge was to get the excitement rating as high as possible while keeping the nausea to a minimum. I would spend $100,000 or more trying to one-up my last creation. It was one of the worst overall strategies for the health of a park, which I found ironic, considering the title of the game. You were better off plopping down a pre-designed rollercoaster and attending to the greater needs of the park. Rollercoaster Tycoon and The Sims. That was me at age 13. Rosebud. Everything pertaining to balloons and ducks was spot on, veen. Thank you.
This guy knows endless Sims money. Arrest him immediately, filthy hacker!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!
Man, if I still had screen shots of my RCT2 parks. I used to live on newelement and trying to make as realistic as possible parks. RCT2 was my GOTO game straight through HighSchool.
One of Us! One of Us! One of Us! (searches for install disk only to remember he only has Ubuntu now and no VM)
"Vomit everywhere? I'll mow the lawn!" - am_Unition's Handymen
I NEVER had a handyman that was tasked to mow lawns. The guests never complained and it didn't seem to affect anything if they were overgrown so why bother? Not to mention the army of handymen it would require to keep all that grass mowed... /end aspy overthinking of am_Unition's joke.
You're quite right, but I always forgot to toggle off their grassmowing function, initially. They were programmed all wrong!
Wow, you need to check your rollercoaster privilege. #notalltycoons!!