Four days ago I posted what will become the title track of The New Green's third full length album, Loose Ends and I had a conversation there with delta who is a beginner at recording. I shouted out to KB and he PM'd me about taking a stab at Loose Ends.
Let me preface this with some insight in to how cool it was of KB to take the time to do this; studio time costs money, anywhere from $50-200 per hour and I'm fairly certain kleinbl00's cost per hour isn't near the bottom of those numbers. It was very kind of him to put his efforts toward our work and I was flattered that he did so.
As I mentioned in the original post, I'm no studio engineer but I'm just good enough to capture sound and I'm a fairly decent musician and songwriter, so while he didn't have the best quality to work with, my guess is that he's seen far worse and has had to clean up even worse messes than what I sent over to him. -Kb can clarify here if he'd like.
Immediately, what I notice when listening to his version of the song is how much space there is now. That's what a good mix will do, it will create dynamics while giving each sound the right place to sit. Notice how less busy it sounds while still maintaining the same parts?
I love the tone he brings out of the guitar, it sounds way more compressed -everything does. My favorite moment of this song has always been when the two eBowed guitar tracks converge, it's at 3:23. It's got an even greater impact now and all of the lead guitar seems to have more sustain now. bgood79 -Have a listen to what KB did to your guitar solo.
KB adds in an intro and also a really beautiful swell at 1:30 that adds some well needed dimension to the build/arc of the song. -humanodon, I think this will satiate your desire for "more changes in dynamic." I'm not sure if I like the intro added, I have to listen a few more times. This is mostly because I want to start the album out with this song and I like the idea of just the drums to start us off. -Jury is out on this one. The only thing I don't like are the vocals and this has everything to do with me and not KB. One thing though, you'll notice that the background vocal in the chorus sings the refrain, "I wanna wrap them up cause it's getting cold outside," -one of those vocals is bgood79 and one is me. In the original it was just bgood79 and it makes for a softer response to my lead vocal. That is literally the only change I would make to KB's mix. That's pretty damn impressive for never having worked together.
KB also brings out the low end in a big way at the end, really beefing up the closure of the song while sneaking the rhythm guitar track back in for a small bit of fragility right at the close.
When I first listened to his mix, I did so with my palms over my eyes in an effort to be fully immersed and when I removed them I said out loud to nobody, "damn dude."
I've mixed two albums prior to this one, with the first one I sat next to the guy mixing it the entire time. It took forever and the mix suffered because of my constant ideas. The first TNG album is waaaaay too busy and it's all my fault.
The second album, I handed to a guy I knew and trusted based on music he'd mixed for bands I liked and said, "here, mix this." I only provided feedback when there was something I fundamentally didn't like. -This is the way I want to work moving forward. I know myself, I enjoy making music but not so much the fine tuning of it. There are people FAR more capable than me that do this and kleinbl00 is one of them.
Thanks KB.
Shoutout's to those that listened to the original and people I make music with: T-Dog, fuffle, cW, bkessler, mk, b_b, forwardslash, insomniasexx, theadvancedapes, Cumol, AnSionnachRua, rezzeJ, @c_Hawkthorne@, Meriadoc, _refugee_, lil, OftenBen, eightbitsamurai, bfv, doesntgolf, ecib, steve, jonaswildman, am_Unition
Oh hey thenewgreen you mind if I share this link around.
This sounds great! I never really liked the abrasiveness of the synth...but now I do! I also never really liked my guitar at the I do! Knowing a dude with mixing chops is priceless. Kleinbl00, you're my hero. (Like how Cameron Frye says it in the pool scene).
- KB adds in an intro and also a really beautiful swell at 1:30 that adds some well needed dimension to the build/arc of the song. -humanodon, I think this will satiate your desire for "more changes in dynamic."
Yeah, the swell did add to the song, for sure.
- KB also brings out the low end in a big way at the end, really beefing up the closure of the song while sneaking the rhythm guitar track back in for a small bit of fragility right at the close.
This was more what I was trying to talk about. The first version sounds cool, but I guess what I was trying to say is that I thought that the song could use more contrast (is that the right word?). Anyway, this sounds really good, so props dudes!
What do you think you'll do with the vocals?
I think contrast is definitely the right word. As for vocals, I'd like to rerecord them and remain in the higher register. I'd probably double that higher vocal and then add a lower octave vocal to accompany it. But the vocal track that I have right now is pretty bad. There are several different takes (from what I remember) and none are good. They're over-thought and none are in the moment. You tend to know when you get a good track and on this song I haven't yet.
A possibly unrelated coincidence - "Loose Ends" is also the name of the first chapter of "Saga of the Swamp Thing", which kb recommended to me not long ago.
If there is one thing that this song is missing, it's classical flute.
This sounds incredible, great work to all involved. I'll have to share this with some people on a day that isn't April Fools.
Seriously, that solo especially is superb. Loving this.