Seriously, guys. I'm not at all interested in overpaying for beer in a place with no parking to meet a bunch of people I know through keystrokes so we can shout at the top of our lungs at each other. If that's the plan, I'm staying fucking home.
Clowns at a funeral sounds wonderful.
A good friend of mine went to clown college.
It's weird... as devoutly religious as I am... my funeral won't be at a church. It'll be a party. Recently I've considered being cremated and having my ashes packed into a decent fireworks display. I'll need to consult some pyro-pro's to see if this is feasible.
Picture it - a massive BBQ - balloons for the kids, ice cold coke out of the bottle, music blaring, and then BOOM - fireworks. The least I can do when I kick the final can is give my buddies a decent party.
White Center here (flush twice, it's a long way to Rat City), and I suggest we meet at Noble Barton in White Center.
First off, White Center is The Next Place. Fremont > Ballard > Cap Hill > CD > SoDo > Georgetown and now White Center. There's plenty of parking, no hipsters, and prices are way more reasonable than elsewhere in the city. Noble Barton is a new place that took the place of a shitty shitty dive bar, and is classing up the core of White Center. (Along with Company Bar, Proletariat Pizza, Zippy's, etc.)
Otherwise, we could go to Star Brass in Georgetown and get the whole back table to ourselves. Or Loretta's in South Park, and meet in the Airstream trailer out back.
But fuck Capitol Hill. Never going there again. No reason to.
Maybe a new post shouting out everyone who has responded in this one / otherwise?
Also, can confirm, do not want to drive all the way to Edmonds. Ballard is cool but kind of a shit show later at night on weekends.
I think we have the date and time more or less:
Dinner: Saturday, January 23. 7:00 p.m. but it could be 6 or 5 -
I leave the location to a local Seattlite. My strong preferences would be for NOT SUPER-LOUD so we can hear each other. I also tend to need to leave if the music is louder than the voice across the table.
Noise reduction suggestions are here, but that's a year old.
An ocean view would be not too shabby, but optional.
Let's go earlier to catch happy hour.
Easier parking, marginally cheaper:
goobster is not wanting to schlep his ass clear to Edmonds, nor is ButterflyEffect. Ballard is kind of out of the way for everyone.
"Kevin" suggested Ballard as well and I sent him your suggestions.
He said this.
I could not get into the hubski, but here is my 2 bits (3.5 bits Canadian):
Mike's Chili Parlor, Ballard. Totally legit, non-corporate, owned by one family since forever. North end of the ballard Bridge.
I just watched the youtube chili video.
Let's find someplace else!
Ray's and Anthony's are where sad portly guys in their early 30's take their girlfriends to propose to them. Seems like a seriously different vibe than what Hubskers would want. Then again, I'm new here.
Seattle has amazing groovy places everywhere, in every district.
HOWEVER. I am not going to this thing for the place, I'm going for the people.
Greenwood: Prost, Baranoff, El Chupacabra, St Andrews
Ballard: Hazlewood, The Sunset Tavern, Bad Alberts, Two Bit Saloon
Fremont: Hales Ales, Brouwers Tavern
SoDo: Hooverville, Zero (cannabis bar), Jack's BBQ
Georgetown: Star Brass, 9Lb Hammer, The Dog House
Beacon Hill: Tippe & Drague (owned by a friend)
Columbia City: Columbia City Theater, Lottie's Lounge
West Seattle: Matador, C&P Coffee Co, Beveridge Place Pub
Don't wanna sound too strident. Just throw some other ideas out there. (And waste some time before this meeting...)
Boooooooooo Hale's. Fremont Brewing or Outlander might be good spots, but neither have water views. Both are relatively quiet, though, Prost doesn't fit that bill but is cool too. Sunset Tavern almost certainly has a concert going on that night (which I'm normally up for) and same with Columbia City Theater...which I really need to explore Columbia City...
The Noble FIr in Ballard is pretty sweet too.
That's a solid list. Going to have to check out the places on it I haven't been to.
Disclaimer: I've only been here 6ish months and don't even live in Seattle (yet).
Hale's has always been a big supporter of the local arts community, and of my old Circus, so they are still high on my list of "to patronize when I can".
Right. Night-time Saturday get-together. So that rules out the Sunset, which is usually a good spot. But the Columbia City Theater has the bar in front, and the venue in back, and good isolation between the two, generally. So it could work. But parking in CC might be a trick.
Noble Fir is another good one, but slightly too hipster for me. I prefer the classic feel of Hazlewood, and their incredible liquor collection. Plus it is owned by someone famous (I forget who), so it has nothing to prove. It's just itself.
lil sure gets around! You guys are going to have a good time,
Sounders like soccer? I think I missed something.
I'm in whistler the 22nd - 25th but down to hang otherwise! Lots of good spots on the hill if people are still looking for places. Stumbling monk, pine box, cap hill cider and knee highs are all good for groups.
I'm not going to lie, "sounders" takes me to a place where we need a safe word.
- Cap Hill has always been U District but more expensive.
May have been true in the past but definitely not the case today buddy. If you're ever willing to brave the parking trauma let me know, will show you what you're missing :) maybe next meetup, looks like I'm missing this one (unless plans fall through but not likely).
Let's just take kb to Linda's or something.
I am in Whistler from the 26th to the 1st. Too bad. Then somewhere between there and Kananaskis for a week or so.
So far we have "Redneckistan" and "Slobovia". I'm going to collect every name you come up with for this part of the state. Don't forget forwardslash and sounds_sound up in Vancouver, not far away either! Is Ezells like...the Dicks of chicken in Seattle?
Edit: Nevermind quoted text doesn't inline.