Not much new struck my fancy this week, but there was T.W.A.T. - Trespassers Will Be Shot and it's excellent.
Also, Bile is still around. I did not know that.
The weather has mellowed out a bit, so has my music tastes.
Toe, All I Understand Is That I Don't Understand
Jack Johnson, Fortunate Fool
Ooh, do I have the treat for you. I went through a huge instrumental/post-rock phase (I say went, but it's still happening). When I'm at my own computer and have a decent connection I can give you a list of bands to check out, if you'd like.
I'm glad that you like it! A friend of mine shared them with me a couple weeks ago and I have to say what strikes me the most about them is the rippling sound of the strings.
I've never heard of Explosions in the Sky until you mentioned it. Thanks for the trade-off, friend.
Radiohead is everywhere, yet, somehow, I haven't truly listened to any of their albums attentively until now.
I downloaded In Rainbows because of a thread on /mu/. The topic of the thread was 'What song would you give to someone you love deeply (romantically)?'. I decided to give it a listen.
All I Need immediately resonated with me. I love the minimalism and stylishness of the song, if that makes sense. This track in particular sort of reminds me of The XX's aesthetic.
Great song from a great band. I wish I could listen to Radiohead again with a fresh set of ears. I'm envious. The best part of the band is their progression. Have a listen to Pablo Honey on up, it's all really good and it changes throughout.
I still think The Bends is my favorite.
It seems like an even more exciting musical adventure, now that you've said that. I'll listen as per your recommendation.
Cool! Not to belabor a point, but definitely check out Pablo Honey too. When it came out I must have listened to that album hundreds of times. I remember sitting around with my guitar and singing the song Creep at parties in high school. I was introduced to the band by a guy named Corby. Corby's claim to fame back then was that he could finish a 40oz of malt liquor in less than 2 minutes. -Try it sometime, it's not easy.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Enjoy the band and welcome to Hubski.
I've been a big fan of Radiohead for a number of years now, and what's interesting through the years is the way my perception of Pablo Honey has changed. When I first got into them, I absolutely despised it. I started with OK Computer and then Kid A and then In Rainbows (this was all around the time In Rainbows came out). Something about Pablo Honey just struck me as sophomoric or unfocused, but every time I listened to an album through again I liked it a little bit more, as if knowing the band better finally made it more cohesive. It's still not my favorite album, but I certainly do appreciate it and listen to it from time to time.
Anyway, I still hate Creep.
So much of music is where you are when you first hear something. Pablo Honey, and Creep in particular have a strong nostalgic effect for me. What do you think of The Bends? It's such a great rock album, an awesome guitar driven piece of work.
The Bends was the first Radiohead album I had, and I found it sort of average. I love it now, but at the time it was really "eh".
Somewhat embarrassingly, what really got me into Radiohead was their best-of album. I had the US double disc special edition (pretty rare in NZ, I think, I haven't seen another copy) and after that I was able to listen to the actual albums thinking things like "oh, Street Spirit is on this album, awesome!".
- Somewhat embarrassingly, what really got me into Radiohead was their best-of album. I had the US double disc special edition (pretty rare in NZ, I think, I haven't seen another copy) and after that I was able to listen to the actual albums thinking things like "oh, Street Spirit is on this album, awesome!".
I listened to National the Boxer this weekend. It wsas rainy and gray and it fit perfectly. My daughter heard the first song and said, "he's sad." -She's two and a half and pretty perceptive.
I'm still on a big Nujabes kick. Here's a nice track called Yes from a tribute album (he died back in 2010).
Since AlderaanDuran likes to see more hiphop, here's a track with Substantial.
I also discovered Canned Heat by Jamiroquai - there's one for #feelgoodhubski.
Nujabes also led to the discovery of this funky track.
That's a clear sign to me that you have good taste... I really enjoy both the instrumental pieces and the hip hop stuff.
Canned Heat is a great song, got pretty popular as it's the song Napoleon dances to in Napoleon Dynamite. That whole album is feel good, I love Jamiroquai. Very up beat stuff you can't help but want to move your body too.
This rest is all good shit too. All very funky and I love stuff like that. Thank you!
I started listening to Beach House recently.
Beach House is fantastic. I love that each Beach House album has a distinct 'vibe' to it.
Beach House - Beach House just radiates fall/autumn air.
Going to see Wilco in a couple weeks, so I've been revisiting one of my favorite albums, even if they probably won't play anything from it.
And -- a little jam I like.
I listened to Ghost is Born yesterday too. Theologians is one of my favorite Wilco tunes. Great album! Oh, The Late Greats is another favorite from that album. As you probably know, they're one my favorite bands. Maybe they are my favorite.
Tell the band I said hi.
Where they playing? What's the occasion?
piglet- "bugstomp"
I've been listening to music I liked in High School lately, specific The Aquabats and The Red Elvises. When feeling down, both of these bands always cheer me up.
I discovered c418 today and I cannot stop listening.
Unlimited Gravity. I rally like his remixes. His original songs are good but I just really have a feel for his Sail by AWOLNATION remix.
I have that remix on my faves playlist right now after hearing it on a Red Bull downhill skating video. So great. I discovered it right as I was getting burnt out on Sail and it was a great reinvigoration of it.
A friend recently showed me The Front Bottoms so I've been listening to them and the newest Vampire Weekend Album a lot. I can't find the whole album but one of my favorites is Hanna Hunt.
Hannah Hunt is my favorite song off of that album, as well. It's nearly otherwordly-sounding and so quiet and delicate.
Some backstory behind that song: Hannah Hunt was a college friend of the band's. Ezra Koenig (the lead singer) met her in a Buddhism class about seven years ago. The song's been in the making ever since - reportedly because he liked her name.