Quote from Rush Limbaugh: “Smokers aren’t killing anybody,” the conservative host declared in an April 2015 segment of the “Rush Limbaugh Show,” then argued that tobacco users should be thanked because their purchases generate tax dollars that fund children’s health care programs. "I’m just saying there ought to be a little appreciation shown for them, instead of having them hated and reviled,” Limbaugh said. “I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I’m saying. Source Here
Yeah. Absolutely. The Republican Party is hemorrhaging members faster than at any time in the past. A new conservative party is in the works. Trump was a 1-term President. Long-time Republican fuckwits in Congress and the House were ousted and replaced with Democrats. The utter failure of every program Trump started - the wall, the 1% tax cut, trade wars with every country in the world - every single thing he touched failed. (As usual.) If all you read is the HuffingtonPost or whatever, it'd seem like the Republicans are as strong as ever. The fact is, the party isn't even a party any more. It's a buncha chickens with their heads cut off, running around the barnyard wielding knives and swinging randomly at things they can't see. Utter and complete destruction.
Here's what the CEO of Gravity Payments (the $70k / year salary place) had to say. Wow. 5 years ago my parents called me: "Rush is about to talk about you!" I was in the news for slashing my CEO pay to raise our min wage to $70k. I excitedly turned on his show. Rush said: "I hope this company is a case study in MBA programs on how socialism does not work because it's gonna fail." I was devastated. My dad said Rush got it wrong. But it led to a flood of hate-mail against me. Rush was right: we were a MBA case study. Harvard Business School concluded the $70k min wage was a huge success. Our revenue tripled. Retention & productivity skyrocketed. We were featured as success stories in the BBC & NY Times. Rush incorrectly said everyone would make $70k when only me & a few new employees do. It's a min wage. It's not socialism; he knew that. He never agreed to have me on to give my side or do an updated story on our success. His listeners still assume we failed. A top auto-complete search for our company is "out of business." I've had 5 years to tell our story & prove him wrong but most people crushed with misinformation don't have that luxury. I'm sad he died & my thoughts are with his family. But I'm not sad his show is over. He hurt a lot of people with his words.I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh 3 hours a day as a home-schooled kid. My parents idolized him.
I'm this lady, but for Rush Limbaugh instead of Margaret Thatcher.