Doesn't look terrible. I wonder if it's fast.
Time to fix the landing page? Seriously the new user experience for Hubski is shit-tastic. By default you see a bunch of posts from random various days and years. The latest pubski doesn’t show up but the one from last week does. @mk I challenge you to try and do your daily Hubski browsing as a user that’s not logged in for a week, and you will see a lot of things that drive new users away
I had the same YouTube thought, though I opened YouTube for the first time in a while and was briefly lost at how to find a video I'd favorited. Reddit looks like YouTube but YouTube looks like Facebook if Facebook were red.
I still open Reddit regularly, but I find I don't care about the redesign. Either I'll hate it on a site I have no commitment to or I'll like it. It doesn't bother me either way.
I've heard plenty of complaints on the announcement threads about it (such as killing unique CSS per subreddit). But the main thing seems to be a fear that reddit is trying to turn itself into a version of Facebook to please investors. It remains to be seen if that's true, but they've got to find a way to monetize sometime.
Yes, it's impossible for them not to make design decisions that aren't influenced by their need to make money. In the long run, this means appealing to traffic quantity over quality, which will then disenchant the power users that are the lifeblood of the site. Investors don't care about Reddit. They want an IPO.
From the new profile design that they've already rolled out, this isn't too far fetched. I mean so far their revenue comes mostly from on-site ads and reddit gold. And maybe from the celebrity AMAs on /r/IAmA? Don't think that's reliable and substantial enough to allow reddit to grow further as a company. At least they still leave options for users to revert to the classic designs, though I wish there were a way to leave those as default if you wanted.
Yup. It'll be interesting to see if this ends up being reddit's digg moment.
Likewise! People were posting graphs of Google searches for "Reddit alternative" spiking, so I figured I'd add to it. Hubski was the one I liked most.
Do tards really come here whenever Reddit Fucks up? When fatpeoplehate got banned or coontown, people from those type of subreddits didn't decide to come here. And if they did, did they stay long? I remember Grendel. Once people stopped giving him attention, he left.
The real terrible people who fled reddit during that whole mess went to voat. Voat imploded under the pure power of being an open sewer good for nothing but shitposting and fascism. Voat was a worse the_donald than the_donald. Then they skittered off to 4chan and fucked up the video game boards. Hubski has a great design feature where the trolls get shoved off to the corners fairly quickly. Trolls and shitposters thrive on eyeballs, drama and attention so they don't stick around long.
honestly i'm not sure I like it? idunno, we'll see.
That will be the kicker. If it isn't fast I know a lot of people will return to the old look. Let's also hope it doesn't break the API and all of the awesome Reddit apps.