How about no CGI, and just great stories? Netflix has The Irish Pub. It is dead simple, quiet, and lovely: Interview Irish publicans (pub owners) inside their pubs. The lighting is utter shit. But the pace and heart of the movie are beautiful.
I don't particularly care too much for all these superhero movies and series, but damn are those trailers good! Also, Brie Larson is now confirmed as Captain Marvel.
Can I sit next to you? Superhero movies just... I don't get them at all. I like Iron Man and The Incredibles, but... yeah. So. Anyway. While everyone else is out there seeing hours and hours of CGI jumping around and punching people, what shall we talk about? Hmmm?
A good list. Frank is one of my favorite Fassbender movies!
Some potentially good stuff coming up ... who knows, maybe DC will get it together as well. One thing I've heard precious little about is Luc Besson's new sci-fi flick, *Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
The action scenes in the Wonder Woman trailer look fantastic. I hope they don't screw up the rest of the movie (but they probably will). The trailer makes me excited for the movie.