I like youtube channels that have active communities in the comments.
What are your favorite youtube channels?
rd95 suggested this post in the comments section of a post about favorite websites.
Vi Hart - Is a great wit, a skilled mathematician, and a gifted storyteller with a unique video "voice" that I love. I didn't know how much I could like math until I watched Vi Hart's videos!
And someone else already mentioned my other favorite: Destin and SmarterEveryDay.
Heh, just used Ruby to export a quick list, needed some editing but that was fun -- off on holiday now!
General / Edutainment
Casey Neistat: https://www.youtube.com/user/caseyneistat
Michael Aranda : https://www.youtube.com/user/WhatImDoingRightNow
Tales of Mere existence: https://www.youtube.com/user/AgentXPQ
You suck at cooking:
Smartereveryday: https://www.youtube.com/user/destinws2
CGPGREY: https://www.youtube.com/user/CGPGrey
I watch YouTube a lot, many more stuff that I like but these are definitely my favorite ones.
+ there's my channel but I'm sure everyone on Hubski knows about it by now :P
I watch a lot of YouTube. Sometimes it's all I do at night. Some of my favorites that haven't been mentioned:
Mr. Sunday Movies This guy does really funny videos about genre movies, mostly comics. rd95
NerdSync Another comics channel, mostly history and relating comics to serious field like philosophy with mixed results.
Ashens Funny Brit who used to review a lot of old tech and video games but has been eating a lot of strange food lately. Still good stuff.
The Great War They do a week by week account of WWI as it happened 100 years ago. I haven't been watching the weekly history because I got behind but they also do special episodes about people from the war or even clothes and weaponry.
The Gaming Historian Watch the most milquetoast man on YouTube describe video game history. He has the personality of Vaseline but I still like his videos.
I also like James Rolfe. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. I watch his AVGN videos but I don't find them particularly funny or clever, and some are just fucking annoying. But he seems like a nice guy and when he does Let's Plays with his friend Mike or Bootsy I find them pretty entertaining for some reason.
Some ones that haven't been mentioned
PressHeartToContinue - for animu and dating sim loveliness
RedLetterMedia - for movie/film critic silliness. better known for their Plinkett reviews, Half in a Bag is good and their Best of the Worst are very entertaining.
AllShamNoWow - gaming youtuber who mostly streams on Twitch but posts some funny stuff on youtube
gazorra - someone who just mashes together Star Trek: TNG episodes into funny bits. Hidden gem in my opinion, though his best video is this one about Riker which I highly recommend.
Commander Holly - BIRBS, games, cosplay
crendorIRL - High Quality Non Content
She's probably my and my wife's favourite youtuber. Been watching since she did Hatoful Boyfriend.
Late to the party? Fuck yeah, that means I've got a bunch of suggestions to watch tonight!
I have four channels that I watch, depending on my mood:
If I want escapism:
Shug Emery's hiking and hammock camping videos are the bomb dot com.
If I want a laugh or am hungry:
Pretty Good Cooking is just a guy and his friends making dinner. Some things turn out great, some horrible. Once they cut down on the booze, the show got a lot better. It is still there, but not to the ... degree it once was.
If I want to zone out:
Rich Mintz's ridecams give me an insight into how people can enjoy driving. I find being in traffic pretty scary in real life, but his videos are really soothing to me.
If I want to be more optimistic/friendly:
Commander Holly's (already listed by forwardslash) vlogs tend to be where I go.
Thanks for the list. I watched the pasta salad video of Pretty Good Cooking. I liked it. Made me laugh.
How did you find this channel? I always wonder how people find these small channels. This one only has 2,755 subs but the sub count doesn't always give an indication about how the channel will appeal to me. However, the only channels I get recommended to me are ones with really high sub counts or high view counts. This video only has 808 views.
The really cool thing about smaller channels is how the youtuber can interact with most of the comments. In the really large channels, the youtuber looks absent even if they are responding.
My fiance unearthed the Sunday Meal Prep video one day before work.
I think she found it on reddit, but I don't know the details past that.
I really like Pretty Good Cooking. I get kind of worried if most of a Tuesday has gone past without an upload.
Every Frame a Painting is one I just found recently that discusses the technical craft that goes into making a movie.
Game Maker's Toolkit discusses the intention behind game mechanics, structure, and design and how they teach. One of my favorites is how Nintendo's level design draws from Chinese poetry.
Matthewmatosis Some of the best and most in depth game critiques I've found. Well known for his Dark Souls 2 critique.
Many others as well, but I get excited whenever these guys put out a new video.
h3h3productions / Ethan and Hila - The first one: in which some guy (Ethan) mocks YouTube videos. The second one: the alternate channel, which also has Hila who is usually behind the camera for the former. YouTube goofs and gaffes. Not exactly highbrow and sometimes offensive but funny. They seem to be softening up lately, I think they are starting to get disillusioned with the number of similar channels who take it all way way too far. This definitely fulfils your first criterion, OP. There is a community and a subreddit and lots of in-jokes. Probably overlaps a bit with 4chan users as well, so beware.
WheezyWaiter - Vlog. Craig changed his style (very Casey Neistat-esque now, although I'm not really familiar with his work) although I wasn't actually watching it before this. I like that it's quite candid, he talks about how he is trying to achieve his goals, maintain good habits, etc. It feels pretty real. I like how his morning routine grounds the video in reality and that he messes about with film techniques but the show mostly consists of... a regular guy going about his day and work.
Brian Limond - AKA Limmy. Glaswegian comedian. He had a TV show on the BBC and since then seems to have gone back to making silly vines and live-streaming his techno sessions.
Community channel - Vlog. Sketches about everyday awkwardness, comment replies, self-deprecation. There's something really chilled out about these. I may have binge watched them. They're updated in theory every week, usually every few weeks. But there are loads because it's been going since 2006.
That Japanese Man Yuta - Vox populi in Japan. I like how through asking random people on the street it manages to shed light on what Japanese society is like, without claiming to be an authority on it.
Channel Criswell / Now You See It / Every Frame a Painting / Nerdwriter1 - I'm a sucker for those smoothly-edited film analysis montage videos, although the Nerdwriter does videos on other topics (such as politics, some opinion pieces and other kinds of art analysis) and previously had more of a vlog format (which was also good). Does anyone know of any other good film analysis videos?
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared - Less a regularly-updted YouTube channel and more a series of animations that happens to be on YouTube. They're quite disturbing. I know the whole stop-motion/Sesame Street format has been subverted more times than the members of Wu Tang Clan have fingers, but this one is good.
Easy German - German-language vox pop with English subtitles, for people learning German. Updated every week. The Easy Languages channel has many more videos in other languages. I learned German in school to a sort of clunky intermediate level, so having something that is both relaxing/interesting to watch and refreshes my German ability is the best thing ever. If anyone knows any other good German-language channels or videos, I'd love to know about them!!
bill wurtz - Musician. He did that history of japan video, his other posts are mostly smooth jazz vines and a few ridiculously vapid songs, e.g. "i'm crazy/it's raining".
Cooking With Dog - A dog called Francis narrates recipes in a thick Japanese accent. Very relaxing and interesting, they have a good variety of dishes!
Kermode & Mayo - The channel for the BBC Radio 4 film review program. Loads of in-jokes, this has a bit of a cult following in the UK. Simon Mayo presents/interviews guests and Mark Kermode reviews the films. Kermode rants are... quite something.
Londonist - Showing off less well-known aspects of London, with an emphasis on the transport network. I was brought up on Transport Tycoon so this really resonates with me. I really loved recognising landmarks that were mentioned on the show, while I was living in London. Regardless of where you live, it's a good idea to learn a bit about its history - being able to see the thing you have learned about makes it so much more real and satisfying.
Novara Media - The self proclaimed "BuzzFeed of the Left". They also have articles (listicles and long-form, both worth reading) and a weekly podcast on their website which airs on Resonance 104.4 FM every Friday at 1pm if you're in Central London. They cover international, anti-imperialist, gender, LGBT, economic, human rights issues. The online videos are a pretty new addition and I think that they are still a bit rough around the edges, but it's great that someone knows what the British left needs - to educate people on how to understand and deal with the issues that plague their lives and those of people around the world. Sometimes they trip up on discourse-speak but they seem to be improving. The Artist Taxi Driver is also pretty good at this, but he did model himself on opinionated taxi drivers so he is... kinda grating.
Frank JavCee - he posts videos sarcastically (but truthfully) showing how to produce electronic music and in doing so breaks the various ephemeral microgenres of the right now into their constituent parts. He's a damn good producer and funny. He mocks the styles of music, but in a way that indicates a love and interest for the content, which is definitely refreshing.
oh god i've written a lot
- h3h3productions / Ethan and Hila - The first one: in which some guy (Ethan) mocks YouTube videos. The second one: the alternate channel, which also has Hila who is usually behind the camera for the former. YouTube goofs and gaffes. Not exactly highbrow and sometimes offensive but funny. They seem to be softening up lately, I think they are starting to get disillusioned with the number of similar channels who take it all way way too far. This definitely fulfils your first criterion, OP. There is a community and a subreddit and lots of in-jokes. Probably overlaps a bit with 4chan users as well, so beware.
Thanks for thinking of the OP's criteria in this. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the intro where they're mocking some prankster who is traumatizing children by pretending to set their house on fire while their parents stand outside and watch. It was too much for me to stomach.
Thanks for the rest of your great list as well. I've heard of some of them. It's quite an eclectic list.
Looooove Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Haven't gotten as deep into it as others have, analyzing it and such, but it gets the right amount of dark absurdity for me.
Primitive Technology - Australian dude making fire, huts, tools, etc, in the wilderness from scratch
The School of Life - Philosophy, history
engineerguy - How stuff works
The 8-Bit Guy - Retro computer stuff
SmarterEveryDay - Science, educational
There's something about raocow that just makes me happy. He's a french-canadian LP'er who plays mostly super mario world romhacks. He seems so genuinely cheerful, with an incredibly infectious laugh that has kept me subscribed for years. He has an incredibly supportive community and even his own forum.
Extra Credits is another of my favourites; often bringing, at the very least, an interesting perspective into video games, their markets, design, and gameplay.
Thanks for those. I like the raocow video that I saw on your link. I've been wanting to find let's plays that weren't so violent. That one at least was very tame. His subscriber count is only 28.5K. I always wonder how people find channels with a low subscriber count. Some of the gems are the ones with a low subscriber count.
I love the intro at Extra Credits. If they live up to that intro., I'll be very interested to watch them. I've always been interested in how games can be used in different ways. I've always felt that video games could be and are productive.
It's funny, I certainly enjoy raocow playing smw hacks, ASMT and :P :P :P are both wonderful. They're absolutely what he plays most frequently, but my favorite two series from him are An Untitled Story, which is a freeware metroidvania type of game that I highly recommend, and Super Mario World 2+, a yoshi's island hack. Side note, if you ever want a playlist, check out this video and channel.
Extra credits is harder to recommend a video for. Honestly just jump in to something that seems neat and fall down the rabbit hole. They're almost always worth watching. Extra history is OK, history has never been my subject, but they do a good job nonetheless. If you like LPs, their side channel Extra Play has put out some quality content lately. Animation in games is something I've always found interesting and they explore some great games to exemplify basic principles of animation.
I picked a video at random that was great. I was appalled at the topic, as they were as well. It was about something called Sesame Credit. China is creating a game to gamify loyalty. I googled the topic and was horrified to see other articles that say the same thing. China will be making a credit score game mandatory in 2020 that will score people's loyalty based on their behavior and their friends by input into a game-like credit score program. I was thinking of creating a post about it.
Extra credits definitely got my attention just on that first video.
My favorite youtube channels are all car related (shocker, I know).
That Dude in Blue (AKA David Paterson) - This channel by far is my absolute favorite. He's just a decent guy driving other people's custom rides and giving his thoughts on them, doing a decent job of going in depth to talk about what makes them special.
Regular Car Reviews - RCR is another fun channel. He reviews cars of all types and years, talking about what makes them special in engineering, historical, and social contexts. A fair warning though, sometimes he goes a bit overboard with being weird.
Motor Trend - I love their magazines and I love their channel even more. There's a bit of everything in there.
Yeah. When you're reviewing major products like cars, you kind of have to handle their flaws with kid gloves. If a car company feels like the reviews are too negative, they'll stop giving you test cars. That's why I really like comparison reviews, because car magazines are more open to what individual cars in a segment excel at, giving you a better idea of which cars are actually better.
Also, don't always trust the reviews of cars that just come out, especially performance cars. They're almost always overwhelmingly glowing at first and it won't be until months later until car journalists are more open to talking about the flaws of certain models.
I've been using Yoga Practice Videos for a few months now. I feel like I get a lot out of it.