Answer: Authoritarians!
Side-tangent: I really shouldn't be, but the amount of pro-donald posts I've seen hit the front page of r/all on reddit recently is a little depressing. I want to believe it's all just a circle jerk, but something tells me that's just wishful thinking.
I wonder if anyone on Hubski supports Donald Trump?
I doubt it. But hubski is extremely single-minded about a lot of things, which is a cause for concern. There will come a time when some minority disagrees with the use of the #spam tag, and right now hubski has no mechanism for that disagreement.
Here he is! He doesn't seem very smart, preaching The Donald on hubski. But his GoFundMe has $50 based on poor syntax and insanity. Maybe I should crowd fund something.
Donald trump is a bastard, and the only thing that conforms me about him is that he will burn and be tortured in hell.