In just five days on this site, I've taken part in discussions about philosophy, neuroscience, programming, interior design, psychology, socioeconomics, et al. My feed is filled with all sorts of nerdy, geeky things, quantum mechanics, anthropology, literature, physics, foreign languages, and the like. The comment threads I read are filled with actual English--rather than memes--, complex sentences, educated thoughts, paragraphs of useful, enlightening information. Language runs wild, creativity gallops about, neurons fire in epiphany-laden directions.
Reddit required anesthesia, dumbing down. Hubski is the opposite. Thank you for this.
This site has gotten me to be more proactive in my life in one week than Reddit did in my entire time there. I've started learning Python, I spend my evenings reading long-form discussions and papers on subjects, and I'm getting into watching documentaries, television shows, and anime. I'm just enjoying my time on this site more. It's awesome.
Welcome. And the thing about Hubski is saying something people like or agree with or a post that's good has a benefit in letting you be able to badge a post you like and raise its profile in the community. There's an incentive to post the interesting and well informed that invests itself in the awareness of the rest of us.
One thing I'm glad about is I can just hop off for awhile without technically missing anything because there is always something worthwhile to be discussed. Reddit used to move so fast that you really needed to stay on as much as possible to catch the next inside joke. If you missed something there would often be jokes made in an unrelated post that you wouldn't get without reference to another post.
I'm still not entirely used to this. Granted, I'm still a new user, but in the first days of using Hubski I noticed a tendency to compulsively check back to the site for all the reasons you stated above. When I realized that I no longer needed to do that, I felt... relaxed.
I've tried several times, and every animated gif I've tried to upload in response to this won't show in the comments. nowaypablo, I'm amazed at your power.
Lil' Hubsecret for ya, upload the .gif on imgur and change the extension to .png in your comment.