- From the Redditor, KicksButtson:
Was looking for something else yesterday. I think it was related to _refugee_'s "funny plains" comment 'cuz I was going to link to the bloody battle fought over Saydrah and the house shaped like a pumpkin but then I remembered it was actually in pics.
But all this is actually sort of a roundabout way to say I HERD YOU LEIK PODCASTS
Psssh. Okay. Here's the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. robingallup took a picture of a house that looks like a duck. He hosted it on his own webspace (this is before the existence of Imgur) and served ads. Saydrah removed it. Then Saydrah made the mistake of pointing out that Matt Inman, who was using Reddit to pimp The Oatmeal, had a background in SEO. Then Reddit pointed out that Saydrah had a background in SEO and was also a bitch. Then Reddit lost their fucking mind and reposted naked pictures of her, doxed her, called her grandfather's house with death threats and generally went batshit fucking insane. Future admin qgyh2 decided to remove her as a moderator of /r/pics, primarily because Reddit went batshit fucking insane. The admins, faced with their first real instance of the mob gone wrong, did exactly nothing. Know how that burning monk is the shot that indicated that Vietnam was gonna be a war, and it was gonna be awful?What happened this weekend saddened us. Saydrah's postings have been additive to the community, and we have no indication that she's been anything but a great moderator to the communities she moderates. Moderators are not exempt from our anti-cheating measures, and, though I hate to have to put it in these terms, we've "investigated" Saydrah, and we didn't find any indication of her cheating or otherwise abusing power.
Y'all know saydrah is on here right? Just totally inactive. I think Lorelei too. Edit: I suppose the lessons here are multiple: 1) at least thank god I don't have a background in SEO And 2) between kb and me we can probably fill you in on most of the reddit drama canon, though kb can probably give you more than I can.
Were you a mod or something? I intentionally avoid most of the drama on reddit, so I honestly have no clue. edit. refugee. it's _refugee_ for a reason that has never occurred to me until now. If it's some drama that isn't worth revisiting, feel free to ignore, I was just curious.
Lol. Uhn I tend to be intensely curious far past my own good when it comes to things I'm interested, but yeah, I'm also a reddit/digg refugee. More of a watcher than a pot-stirrer but I read up on what I get into so I tend to know some of the back history and stuff. Plus, drama = popcorn.
Word. I've seen some stuff go down there but it gets real boring for me after more than one click-through. I'm more of a "watch the shit fly" type of person than really paying attention to who's doing the flinging. In regards to internet drama, that is. SRD is one of the few things I got there for anymore.
So I started out on Reddit - and when I heard about Saydrah after a year or so I googled it and read about it and was amazed. Not in a good way but in a WTF is wrong with people way. When I got here and realized SHE was here I was f*cking amazed. In a good way. And I realized that this must be a pretty chill place.
I mean, I'm kind of glad she's not because I'd fangirl at her and freak her out and feel really bad. And then I feel sad because I'm thinking of slight discomfort while the things she had to deal with...
I didn't get that impression. I would rather say you sounded confident. As someone listening to a lot of podcasts, I thought the episode had good content but that the production quality was lacking. Were you involved in the making at all (besides providing your voice)?
Believe it or not, I have the .logicX file of the whole thing. I offered to build a podcast template but then I discovered Logic 9 won't open Logic X, and further that the amount of brutalization my CoreAudio drivers for my HD Native card has experienced as a beta tester for Pro Tools puts Logic 9 in an angry, angry loop of hating on my sound card. I was gonna go upgrade but life got in the way - urgent care with a thermonuclear ear infection, father in the hospital, shit like that. So i said my apologies and begged off. I may have something to do with future episodes. We'll see.
Did you ever read this short story from Peter Watts?
Hah! A fine final paragraph review. Well, it's a good idea for a short story. You'll grok it within the first few lines.