Were you a mod or something? I intentionally avoid most of the drama on reddit, so I honestly have no clue. edit. refugee. it's _refugee_ for a reason that has never occurred to me until now. If it's some drama that isn't worth revisiting, feel free to ignore, I was just curious.
Lol. Uhn I tend to be intensely curious far past my own good when it comes to things I'm interested, but yeah, I'm also a reddit/digg refugee. More of a watcher than a pot-stirrer but I read up on what I get into so I tend to know some of the back history and stuff. Plus, drama = popcorn.
Word. I've seen some stuff go down there but it gets real boring for me after more than one click-through. I'm more of a "watch the shit fly" type of person than really paying attention to who's doing the flinging. In regards to internet drama, that is. SRD is one of the few things I got there for anymore.