What do you think of the episode yourself?
I didn't get that impression. I would rather say you sounded confident. As someone listening to a lot of podcasts, I thought the episode had good content but that the production quality was lacking. Were you involved in the making at all (besides providing your voice)?
Believe it or not, I have the .logicX file of the whole thing. I offered to build a podcast template but then I discovered Logic 9 won't open Logic X, and further that the amount of brutalization my CoreAudio drivers for my HD Native card has experienced as a beta tester for Pro Tools puts Logic 9 in an angry, angry loop of hating on my sound card. I was gonna go upgrade but life got in the way - urgent care with a thermonuclear ear infection, father in the hospital, shit like that. So i said my apologies and begged off. I may have something to do with future episodes. We'll see.