(thanks ecib for linking PRIMER page with it!)
So great!
I think the barrier to entry - whether it be the initial impression from the design or the time it takes someone to really figure out how everything works - works to our advantage in some cases. I tend to forget this. As a designer/web dev who is 100% obsessed with user experience, some things on Hubski still make me cringe. But. It works in our favor in cases like this. If you prefer reddit and 4chan that's totally fine with me. Stay there. :)
I actually have come over from reddit specifically because of that thread. I was actually happy about how barebones Hubski "feels" (or, to me, just looks). The parts of reddit I love are the smaller subreddits that I was, unfortunately, just beginning to get really active in.
Hubski feels like that, but all over. I've only been here for a day, and other than the text being too small for me to read half the time, I'm actually loving it. It feels more conversation based, and that's cool to me. I'm hoping that the groups I was getting active in - writing prompts, writing, gay, etc - spring up a little here too, but in hubski's way. I was (am still) a moderator over at Unsolicited Redesigns, and I think the way hubski works would really lend itself to something like that.
- spring up a little here too, but in hubski's way.
I've been saying this for a while now: I cannot wait for Hubski to have a ton of little circles of users that post things that I have no interest in and these little sections become their own micro communities naturally. I can't wait to see how Hubski's ignore/follow foundation affects what these sections become. It's happening somewhat with gaming - there are a bunch of users that post about gaming and long threads that I don't read and only occasionally see. It's fantastic. It's exciting.
We have a lot of writers, we have a lot of musicians, we now have a fair number of gamers. As we grow there are going to be more and more groups of people like this which is only going to help us grow more. I feel like one of the reasons we have so many writers is because it was one of the first topics that had a relatively large number of posts and comments about and other writers stuck around when they discovered Hubski because of that.
The best way to get these topics started is to just start posting things to that tag. People will come out of the woodwork who share your interests and new users will stick around specifically because of that topic.
I think hubski really needs more community creation sorts of tools. Not mods, perhaps, but the ability to have some sort of "sidebar" that runs by wiki rules? Posts which can be voted to become a sticky?
I don't know, maybe i'm wrong and communities will work fine, but it feels to me like the tags have too little feel of community to them.
- member for: 1 day
Stick around for 30 days and then I'll discuss this with you.
Not to be mean - truly - but you are fresh from reddit. You want what you want because you are used to reddit. We are not reddit. A lot of hard work, thought, and sweat has been poured into developing this site and, surprising as it may be, the decisions behind how this site is set up has been very carefully thought out.
30 days. Shout me out and we can have a discussion. I look forward to it.
My father is the youngest of 8 brothers and 6 sisters.
They had kids.
And then all their kids had kids.
This is what it would be like if all of those kids crammed into my house at once. I know who they are, I kinda understand their language, but I really just want them to calm down so I can go back to playing videogames in my room.
FYI - tornado has passed. We've doubled our fnids (whatever that means). I can dimiss notifs and edit again!
So far I've counted 8 times I've mentioned Hubski in comments on Reddit (looking on my profile page). I've been trying to get people to migrate over from Reddit because this place is great and unique, but similar enough to be competition for Reddit. I personally really like it.
I don't see it that way. A taco truck or a gas station might each allow me to fill my belly but the experience is entirely different and sometimes the experience is the point. I dig this place because I can talk to interesting people about things they care about and often those things are often also things I care about. I use reddit to find stuff only I care about personally. Sure, I'm consuming content both ways, but to scratch different itches.
A lot of people look at Hubski like the "third place" for the internet. (ref: 1 2 3 4) For community members, especially those who are redditors as well, facebook/email and reddit represent the first two. Think about it. When you first sit down at your computer, what are the first two sites you go to? What sites do you spend your time on primarily?
One could call facebook & reddit competitors in the sense that they are competing for users' time, eyes, and clicks. In that sense, reddit and Hubski are also competitors.
But a lot of people consider "competitors" to be a bit more mean-spirited and implies that users have to choose one or the other. For example, you cannot be a Boston fan and a Montreal fan because they are competitors. In that sense, reddit and Hubski are not competitors as we all spend more than enough time online and universally enjoy procrastination.
Hubski doesn't strive to replace reddit. We don't have an attitude that "reddit sucks, hubski rocks" like was the case with Digg vs Reddit. Often times, you will find that the top stories and breaking news stories that are on the front page of every aggregator, blog, and news publication aren't on Hubski. It's not that we are against posting these stories, it's just that most of us have already seen it when we visit Hubski. Sometimes the stories do get posted when a user has a specific point to make about the story or wishes to start a discussion about it. A lot of times the top stories that are simply posts with no caption / text included don't get shared while ones with an essay of text do get shared it begins a discussion about the users points more often than the standard topics of the story itself.
facebook is a site that directly focuses on real life interactions.
Reddit is a "internet collection" which is very different from what facebook does.
Hubski is also an internet collection style site, so it is far more competition to reddit than facebook is.
I understand you don't strive to replace reddit, but it doesn't mean the site isn't competition. When I say competitors I just mean two sites serving similar niches. Reddit and hubski both try to create meaningful and diverse discussion. Both can exist at the same time, but they will compete regardless.
I also plan to be using both sites also, don't get me wrong. I love reddit, and this site is proving to be really interesting.
There isn't much to say. Hubski and reddit serve similar purposes. Even with the differences, hubski getting attention does bring competition to reddit, and hubski will bring competition to reddit. Even if it is more discussion based, it takes that discussion and users who want it from reddit.
I've noticed almost universally the user-base here isn't very concerned with growth. The community here is excellent, and I think a lot of us understand that that is because the site is smaller, and that lots of new users would change that. It's not a competition, because one side doesn't want to fight.
metareddit. It's super cool but you have to set it up to monitor - you can't search. I also have "reddit sucks" monitored which makes me laugh on bad days. The amount of people on reddit that hate reddit and bitch about reddit on reddit is astounding.