I'm going to be interviewed for a thing that's going to be on one of the major streaming services. They haven't asked me not to discuss details but assume they don't want me to discuss details.
I helped a somewhat famous person find out someone had been reading their emails for years. I found a loose thread and gave it a little tug before handing it to their manager who I knew and had a good fan-famous person manager relationship with. That thread unraveled a pretty big sweater, way more than I would have ever guessed, but I was the right person in the right place to help them out. They're making a documentary on it and are interviewing me for it.
- They're making a documentary on it and are interviewing me for it.
I'm sorry, what?
I forget how the people making it pitched it especially because I don't watch true crime stuff. I guess I'm picturing it like Making a Murderer which I never watched. Because I was literally the person who tipped them off, they want to talk to me about my experience to help tell the bigger story of what happened. From what they told me it's a lot bigger than just having access to one kind of famous person's email.
I expect it to be pretty niche, though Manitowoc, WI was pretty niche, too.
oh and i had to rescue someone on a rock climb this past weekend
my main climbing partner who’s become an amazingly good friend is moving as expected now that her travel contract is up, so she’s back to the northeast where she spends half the year with her partner
gonna miss her
still have no desire to date
this weekend rock climbing in oregon
weekend after on glaciers in northern washington
weekend after that a big rock climbing weekend
i pretty much have climbing plans through november and a tentative ice climbing trip in january
i keep meeting climbers who i get along really well with and have such a wider community than i did a year ago
is this what’s it’s like to be actively living the life you’ve envisioned
Say hello to my little friend.
And I do mean little; d is 6mm, D is 19mm, b is 10mm. And at his list price, he is worth two thirds his weight in gold.
And I need three of them.
here's the thing
You don't often see "axial angular contact ball bearings." They have exactly one application: ball screws. The purpose of a ball screw is precise transformation from rotational motion to linear motion. they come in several grades and mine are confirmed to be "there are none more precise" grade through empirical measurement. If you want to go more precise you have to go hydrostatic and my Kern comes from a time before Kern went "we have to go hydrostatic."
The purpose of "axial angular contact ball bearings" is to eliminate all backlash. You've got a bearing race on one side, you've got a bearing race on the other side, and by precisely squooshing them together you make sure that the bearing itself never moves while you're moving other stuff. Within normie machine design your normie angular contact ball bearings end up about tight enough because everything else is about tight enough and you get your tenth of a thou or half a thou or thou or ten thou or are-you-fucking-kidding-me twenty thou without resorting to eldritch magic.
The theoretical repeatability on my machine is a quarter of a micron. I will never hit it? Fuck, I have no way to measure it! But I have to try.
I watched a guy "set up" his CNC machine. He's got stepper motors. He has 400 pulses per unit, which is an important number to know, because it tells you how many signals the controller sends the motor to move by any given amount. His 'unit' was millimeters, so is mine. So his machine has 400 increments between 0 mm and 1mm, or every pulse of his controller potentially moves his ball carrier two and a half microns. My machine has 37 million increments on the X, 74 million on the Y and 84 million on the Z. This is mostly useful for things like active noise cancellation, backlash compensation and other DSP-driven accommodations of the limitations of physics. After all, a coronavirus is about a tenth of a micron. The glass scales capable of measuring to a tenth of a micron will tell you that you need climate stability on the order of a tenth of a degree per meter of length if you wish to maintain accuracy. So - the difference between "part made in the morning" and "part made in the afternoon" can be a micron even if everything is mathematically perfect.
There is exactly one legitimate manufacturer of six by nineteen by ten axial angular contact ball bearings. I'm going to guess they manufacture them at the behest of exactly one ball screw manufacturer. And if you need, them, you bloody well need them. I say "legitimate" because I have sourced Chinese counterfeits for a tenth the price. I will not be purchasing them.
Where things get exceptionally stupid is where you start digging into bearing pre-load. See, my little friend wants exactly one newton-meter of preload in order to suck up the backlash. He'll take 1100lb of axial load, which is good because the Z axis has a constant force of 50 lbs against it - this is probably why I need bearings, because the brigand I purchased this machine from did not understand "axial angular contact ball bearing" and redesigned the machine to BYPASS THEM. As a consequence, one of them is annihilated. The other two might not be? But considering the violence they've experienced (going from 8:1 reduction of a 25W motor to direct screw drive by 750W) I'd be a fool to leave them alone.
So okay. How do you put zero point seven foot pounds of preload on a nut? I mean, your typical lockwasher will do more than that. Your typical Nylock will come off with zero point seven foot pounds of preload. We're talking a truly minuscule amount of torque; I have a torque wrench that will measure all the way down to half a newton-meter in hundredth of a newton meter increments because of course I do, I have an Italian hyperbike. But it won't alarm until 1.5 newton-meters. Even at my most ridiculous I'm in the margins.
Fortunately, the bearing is German. There are procedures.
that little guy? My little friend's little friend? Has precisely machined little sawtooth combs inside that are pushed against by precisely machined little set screws. You torque your nut down, and then you affix it with a 2mm allen wrench via axial force. They're pretty dear, too. List is like a hundred bux. And again, I need three.
Did I say things had gotten "exceptionally" stupid? Well they're about to get thunderously stupid. See, d is six, D is sixteen, h is 8. This guy is teeny, tiny too. And yet, you'll note it is not "nut shaped." It is, in fact, a "DIN1810" nut, subject to ISO 2892.2. Should you need to buy one of these, you buy a "KM wrench" where KMxx is like a dress size. KM wrenches range from a KM72, whose outside diameter is an eye-popping 460mm in diameter, all the way down to a KM00, a minuscule 18mm in diameter.
Do you see the problem?
INA didn't. I called them. When I asked what wrench, exactly, they wanted me to turn a 16mm KM nut with, considering the KM spec only goes down to 18mm, they said they'd have to get back to me on that. I suspect there's some AMS socket no one has ever heard of. I did ask if anyone ever bought these magical little friends and they assured me there was an inventory of 126 of them within the continental US so they keep stock for a reason.
I did reassure the engineer on the phone that at the prices I'd been seeing I was unlikely to purchase said wrench (I mistakenly looked up a "KM16" for a 16mm wrench before I figured out the dress-size thing; they're $800). I was far more likely to fish around in my toolbox for an errant abandoned 16mm socket wrench and maul it with a mosquito grinder. But I wanted to know if such a thing existed. My quest was in vein. My cousin, meanwhile, volunteered to maim the socket because the idea of a rednecked harbor freight socket to tighten a $100 nut one newton-meter on a $650 bearing appealed to his sense of the absurd.
At which point I realized that with a given force of one newton-meter I could 3d print something out of ABS that would be ten times as strong as I need. At which point my cousin pointed out I could glob silly putty on the thing, stick a torque wrench in it, hit the whole mess with freeze spray and rest assured that the force had been fully transmitted.
I've accomplished other shit? The auxiliary spindle works? Everything powers up? I haven't started programming it and I'm still missing bits but we're making progress?
And a big part of that progress is truly wrapping my head around buying two thousand dollars worth of bearings and nuts that I can tuck in my cheek.
Update: for inscrutable reasons, an authorized dealer in San Francisco, which has the best legitimate prices I can find, has determined that since I'm dealing with them directly, rather than through their online cart software, this will be a tax-free sale. Thus, the delta between my local quote of two days ago and my jumping-right-on-it quote from an hour ago is over eight hundred dollars.
Stupid little things still cost more than the refrigerator we got yesterday
At work people have the habit of informing close colleagues in person of their leave, and later announcing it to the rest with a long email, often using the room to reflect on a few great years of work. Last week I learned that HR decided at some point to take control over this process, demanding control over the content and timing of the email. I had no desire to have my honest opinion sanitized like it's the North Korean state press, so I jumped the gun and sent out my email before HR could get to me. My goal was to be honest about why I was leaving without burning any bridges, so I did what any normal person would do and hid my criticism the subtext.
Keeping in mind that everything I liked about my company will effectively be destroyed by the MegaCorp, despite us making clear protests and even providing alternatives to no avail, I named my goodbye email "So long, and thanks for all the fish" (which should just sound like a funny way of saying goodbye to the uninitiated) and added this to the end:
- P.S. As a fan of Douglas Adams' absurdist sci-fi, I couldn't resist ending with this passage 🐬
'Curiously enough, the dolphins had long known of the impending demolition of Earth and had made many attempts to alert mankind to the danger. But most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to punch footballs, so they eventually gave up and left the Earth by their own means. The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double backwards somersault through a hoop. But, in fact, the message was this: “So long and thanks for all the fish”.'
To me it's funny in a funny-because-it's-sad way. I thought it was maybe too much on the nose but I haven't heard anything negative back from HR so I guess it'll just stay my inside-joke.
Anyway. I'm getting a few offers in for solar on my roof, and am getting serious about replacing our gas-powered central heating with an all-electric system . There's one who can place solar in the first week of August so I could start enjoying them pretty soon! The weather's been very warm over here. Those scary global temperature and ice cap anomaly graphs are lived through and through out here. The accompanying grass hay fever doesn't help lift the mood too, ugh.
Went to an off the grid cabin for about 5 days and wow what a delight it was to reset in that way. Couldn't contact or be contacted by the outside world. A real treat. But alas, the real world must come back. Still jobless, moving in like a week and a half. Just want a job, to know where I work, and where we can live. Oy vey it never ends does it?
Watching Reddit's slow demise is the saddest thing on screen since Molly died in A Country Practice.
I feel like, sure, calling moderators aristocracy might have some validity. But I doubt reddit realizes they're Tsar Nicholas II in this analogy.
Yeah see here's the thing about that analogy.
Let's say you're King Spez. Your Conquistadors have established Novo Espana and the land is free for the taking. So you give out grants to anyone willing to make the journey.
Once they get there, they have fuckall. They have no military backing. Raiders can murder them, burn their crops, run off with their women. Maybe they can sell excess grain? Maybe they can't. Maybe they can get others to show up and till the land with them? Maybe they can't. Maybe they impose some order? Maybe they don't. Maybe they thrive? Maybe they can't. Maybe they steadily, through unremunerated effort, build up the value of the new land to the point where it makes King Spez rich and powerful -
- and then he calls you 'aristocracy' and takes it from you.
See, there are two ways to do this. Within market economies, the value developed in a land grant becomes the property of the landholder and should the land grant be revoked, the landholder is entitled to fair market value. Within command economies, the landholder is always the king, whose vassals work it under penalty of exile or death.
Market economies run the world now because they incentivize the labor and ingenuity of those who develop resources. Command economies are perpetually laggard because when you imprison the kulaks and drive them off their land you end up with a bunch of schlubs who don't give a shit about the revolution in charge of feeding it.
The only thing that makes a subreddit worth anything is its moderation, and the quickest way to get banned from Reddit is to attempt to gain remuneration from your labor. The security and sanctity of the title is the only thing the moderator class has going for it, and Spez has just decided "yeah fuck off you don't even get that."
Which basically belies their whole deeply libertarian bent - I mean, Reddit basically exists so Alexis and Steve could pimp Ron Paul and then it accidentally became a social network on the side. But the move they're making now is about as Soviet as it gets.
I haven't been over there in years because I have had this discussion, with Alexis, with Steve, with a half-dozen people there. They don't fucking get it because they don't want to get it. They want to do what they want to do because ultimately it's their site and fuck you for thinking otherwise.