This blows. I liked Dark Sky enough to pay for a subscription. As an Android user, guess my favorite weather app is going bye-bye. And to rub salt in the wound, web access is going away too.
Suggestions for replacements? Prefer not to support AccuWeather due to their penchant for trying to privatize the weather forecasting industry or Weather Channel due to their proclivities for naming storms that don't deserve names.
Add a bookmark of for your location to your home screen. Direct to the source, not supporting a profiteering private company, nobody can ever take it away.
(Until the Republicans shut down NOAA.)
Some of its sources are... questionable. I'm hopeful that Wunderground will cease to suck at some point because it used to be great and then the Weather Channel decided to use a framework that allows them to do effectively nothing.
Realistically speaking? This is good news because forever Apple was using Accuweather, who are literally satan. They have been actively and aggressively lobbying to shut down the national weather service for like 20 fuckin' years.
Honestly I just have a mobile link to NWS on my phone ever since the wunderground all turned shitty.