insert prayer hands emoji
haha, thank you, just letting me Universe flow through me
most definitely! I was actually planning on creating a limited run of giclée prints.
It'll have to wait until this whole thing passes over though. The print shops are closed and I'm reserving my limited funds for the necessary items, such as food.
So awesome!
Welcome to the community, I think you'll like it here
This is incredible. All the gooey bits melting around sharp shapes, wonderful color palette, awesome. Is that Mr. Potato Head?
Thank you!
Those gooey bits are COVID-19 particles floating about around us, in mucus, spit, etc.
Haha, that's my, on a video call with friends. I've been video chatting with a lot of people recently, mostly with the members of one of the musical groups I'm in.
If you were to make a painting about the COVID situation, almost a year later now, what would it look like? How have your feelings changed and how would they visually be represented? That would be an interesting juxtaposition/study. You should do it!
Also, this painting is awesome. You're a talented fell, B_C!
That's such a great idea, considering so much has changed.
In fact, in this painting, I show myself in a video chat on a phone with three friends.
As a result of some intense tension, partially influenced by Covid, I no longer speak with those people.
A year later recap painting would indeed be much different.
Thanks a lot for being my own teacher on this subject matter. I actually enjoyed your current article greatly and most of all liked the way in which you handled the aspect I considered to be controversial.
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Mainur Rashid
Very cool. To my eye, it has a kind of American mid-century vibe to it (which I dig) :)
thank you, I greatly appreciate the kind words
I'm most definitely influenced by art from that time period, most importantly the work of Wasilly Kandinsky. Especially as he moved toward more refined abstraction in 1922.