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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Meet The Neo-Nazis Who Organized the Klan-like Charlottesville, VA Rally - It's Going Down

The Alt-Right isn't the Klan. The Klan was civil war veterans, then people whose parents and grandparents were civil war veterans and who had been taught the lost cause in school, and then people trying to revive it to oppose the civil rights movement. They got big because they were preaching to the choir. The Alt-Right is a few people who are really into European far right movements and a lot who feel daring cosplaying nazis and making racist jokes. They're Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan except with /pol/ and twitter they can convince themselves they have an actual movement instead of just trolling. They don't have a choir to preach to, they just have idiot hangers-on who will move on when they stop looking cool and start looking pathetic. Hell, they've already managed to alienate the militia nuts.

They can be laughed out of existence.

kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree with all of this, but you're coming from a position of knowledge. A 20-year-old kid drove into a crowd because he came from a position of ignorance and hate. Have you seen this?

If the default position is "I don't need to worry about my kid because he's just going to rallies supporting Trump" and the kid's default position is "I'm going to help ignite a race war by committing terrorism against a crowd with my 2010 Dodge" and if these chucklefucks can somehow convince normal, thinking people that a fuckin' "OK" hand sign is now somehow neo-nazi signaling then absolutely - let's have their numbers known, let's have their impotence mocked but for me, we crossed a threshold yesterday where laughing them out of existence is no longer enough.

They're multiplying.

    “The driver of the vehicle that hit counter protesters today was, in no way, a member of Vanguard America. All our members had been safely evacuated by the time of the incident,” the group posted on Twitter.

    “The shields seen do not denote membership, nor does the white shirt. The shields were freely handed out to anyone in attendance.

    “All our members are safe and accounted for, with no arrests or charges,” the group added.

And yeah - what the fuck else are they gonna say? But the organized/organizing movement can be tiny and still attract crazy fucking fringe willing to drag their AR-15s across four state lines to save the sex slaves from the non-existent basement of Comet Ping Pong.

The mutherfucker is holding the logo upside down and he still drove through a crowd of protesters twice.

user-inactivated  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude. I don't mean to distract you or bfv from your conversation, because you both have damn good points.


That picture is on the front page of The Guardian right now and I couldn't help but fucking laugh my ass off at them. Fucking pasty white, wanna be yuppies with bad facial hair, button up shirts, khaki pants, and loafers. Look at those shit shields. What is that? Cardboard and tinfoil? I see better stuff from highschool kids at renaissance faires. And what's that guy wearing? A bicycle helmet and swimming goggles?

What a bunch of sorry ass, fucking losers. No wonder they're trying so hard to buy into tough talk. They're compensating.

Edit: And I hope to God they find a way to straighten up. Deep down, every last one of them knows better.

user-inactivated  ·  2723 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Antifa is a bunch of spoiled, privileged rich and upper middle class idiots LARPing as Communist revolutionaries.

The Alt-Right is a bunch of spoiled, privileged, rich and upper middle class idiots LARPing as Fascists.

How do you fight these people? Laugh at them. Mock them. Ridicule them. Encourage them to peacefully come out and protest so people can point and laugh at them. And when/if they get violent throw the whole weight of the legal system at them and fuck them into the earth.

coffeesp00ns  ·  2722 days ago  ·  link  ·  

the people who I know in Antifa are low income ex-veterans who are sick of seeing their country go to shit.

But what do I know.

user-inactivated  ·  2722 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Interesting. This shows that we live in very different worlds, and one of the reasons I like Hubski is that I get reminded that not everyone lives in Dumbfuckistan.

The angry Vets out here tend to go "alt-Right" and would be at the march with the torches. Even though I empathize with the anger, if you fly the NAZI flag fuck you. You don't get to be a proud American and wave the flag of a government that killed US soldiers. (cough Confederate flag cough) The Antifa people out here are mostly college kids with huge student loans and humanities degrees.

My proposal is as follows: Get your antifa vets and my "alt-Right" vets and sit them in a room and get them talking. And while I am playing the part of a Pollyanna I'd also like clear skies for the eclipse and a winning lotto ticket.

And my point stands. Laugh at them. The guys at the march, claiming genetic superiority, all looked like less evolved mouth breeders who listen to modern pop country music.

WanderingEng  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What drives me crazy with that picture is the fasces logo is turned three different ways on the three shields. Can't they be consistent?

Also, the fasces looks more like a rolling pin with an axe on the end than a bundle of rods.

kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's because one of them bought a riot shield and put his logo on it, then handed out kryloned plywood circles to two dudes who wandered by so unfamiliar with what they were looking at that they couldn't hold the damn things right side up.

this was racistpalooza and the joiners didn't even recognize the iconography enough to hold it the right way.

kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree with all of this, but you're coming from a position of safety.

Gotta admit - I've spent the past half hour staring at this.

You can be pasty. You can be a wanna-be. You can have bad facial hair, shit shields, cardboard and tinfoil, bicycle helmets and swimming goggles but if you can be incited to drive a car through a crowd, you're a jihadi.

In no way do I think these chucklefucks should be taken seriously. Their ability to convince impressionable young men to take them seriously, however, has gotten my spidey senses tingling.

user-inactivated  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    impressionable young men

I'd rant, but basically it'd be five paragraphs that could be summed up in one sentence. "Kids need good father figures."

kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And need to know what a bad role model looks like.

user-inactivated  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Timothy McVeigh didn't need spicy memes. Wingnut terrorists were with us long before Richard Spencer got a stupid haircut.

kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Mmmm, no. That's inaccurate.

Timothy McVeigh happened because of Waco. Here he is, selling bumper stickers on the ridge overlooking the compound.

Waco happened because of Ruby Ridge. That's when David Koresh changed the name of the place from "Mount Carmel Center" (the name it had had since the '50s) to Ranch Apocalypse.

Ruby Ridge happened because of The Order and Robert Jay Matthews, who fired a thousand rounds at law enforcement and burned to death when the FBI cooked him out.

Yes, wingnut terrorists have been with us long before Richard Spencer got a stupid haircut. But Nazis have a long fuckin' memory and they'll take inspiration anywhere they can find it. The Turner Diaries were written in '78 and they were still inspiring crazies in '95. Shit kinda petered out after that - at least the Montana Freemen and the Bundies didn't give that much of a shit about Nazi ideals - but a little fresh blood goes a long way.

user-inactivated  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  


    On several occasions since President Obama took office, efforts by government agencies to conduct research on right-wing extremism have run into resistance from Republicans, who suspected an attempt to smear conservatives.

    A 2009 report by the Department of Homeland Security, which warned that an ailing economy and the election of the first black president might prompt a violent reaction from white supremacists, was withdrawn in the face of conservative criticism. Its main author, Daryl Johnson, later accused the department of “gutting” its staffing for such research.

fast forward


kleinbl00  ·  2724 days ago  ·  link  ·  

D00d I can beat that.

    Nixon’s former chief of staff H.R. “Bob” Haldeman wrote in his book The Ends of Power that Nixon had explicitly outlined a version of the strategy the previous summer:

    “I call it the madman theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe that I've reached the point that I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, ‘for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about communism. We can't restrain him when he is angry — and he has his hand on the nuclear button’ — and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace.”

never mind that it didn't fucking work