Antifa is a bunch of spoiled, privileged rich and upper middle class idiots LARPing as Communist revolutionaries. The Alt-Right is a bunch of spoiled, privileged, rich and upper middle class idiots LARPing as Fascists. How do you fight these people? Laugh at them. Mock them. Ridicule them. Encourage them to peacefully come out and protest so people can point and laugh at them. And when/if they get violent throw the whole weight of the legal system at them and fuck them into the earth.
the people who I know in Antifa are low income ex-veterans who are sick of seeing their country go to shit. But what do I know.
Interesting. This shows that we live in very different worlds, and one of the reasons I like Hubski is that I get reminded that not everyone lives in Dumbfuckistan. The angry Vets out here tend to go "alt-Right" and would be at the march with the torches. Even though I empathize with the anger, if you fly the NAZI flag fuck you. You don't get to be a proud American and wave the flag of a government that killed US soldiers. (cough Confederate flag cough) The Antifa people out here are mostly college kids with huge student loans and humanities degrees. My proposal is as follows: Get your antifa vets and my "alt-Right" vets and sit them in a room and get them talking. And while I am playing the part of a Pollyanna I'd also like clear skies for the eclipse and a winning lotto ticket. And my point stands. Laugh at them. The guys at the march, claiming genetic superiority, all looked like less evolved mouth breeders who listen to modern pop country music.