Mmmm, no. That's inaccurate. Timothy McVeigh happened because of Waco. Here he is, selling bumper stickers on the ridge overlooking the compound. Waco happened because of Ruby Ridge. That's when David Koresh changed the name of the place from "Mount Carmel Center" (the name it had had since the '50s) to Ranch Apocalypse. Ruby Ridge happened because of The Order and Robert Jay Matthews, who fired a thousand rounds at law enforcement and burned to death when the FBI cooked him out. Yes, wingnut terrorists have been with us long before Richard Spencer got a stupid haircut. But Nazis have a long fuckin' memory and they'll take inspiration anywhere they can find it. The Turner Diaries were written in '78 and they were still inspiring crazies in '95. Shit kinda petered out after that - at least the Montana Freemen and the Bundies didn't give that much of a shit about Nazi ideals - but a little fresh blood goes a long way.