- For expressing his view, Mr. Weinstein was confronted outside his classroom last week by a group of some 50 students insisting he was a racist. The video of that exchange — “You’re supporting white supremacy” is one of the more milquetoast quotes — must be seen to be believed. It will make anyone who believes in the liberalizing promise of higher education quickly lose heart. When a calm Mr. Weinstein tries to explain that his only agenda is “the truth,” the students chortle.
Pretty sure I helped design the building that video was shot in. For the record, Everyone at Evergreen (and most of Olympia) sucks.
I suspect there are people out there who are like me in many ways who read articles like this and decided to vote Trump last November. I can almost understand why one would, even if I don't agree and voted Clinton without hesitation. I thought even this piece was watered down a bit. It defended Mr. Weinstein more on free speech than on making intelligent arguments (regardless of their validity) and criticized the protesters more on their restriction of free speech than on their lack of intelligent arguments.
I wonder how someone could get the impression that a centrist candidate like Clinton supports this kind of thing in any way. The students here are entirely outside of the mainstream of Democratic politics. It's unclear what ideological home or foundation these shenanigans actually have.
The mentality I'm speculating on is that some would view Clinton as an appeaser, including to people like this, while they'd view Trump as a bastard who would tell them to get lost.
...didja notice they're all white? And in Olympia, "white" is this ghostly shade of entitlement you rarely see outside of the pacific northwest. You have to have parents unable to pay Reed money but willing to pay $10k a year to give Little Janie a pass/fail degree in Web Oppression or some other bullshit self-designed major.
Most people here are very normal. The heaviest Democratic lean but normal folks. The is a slice of extremely radical youth and old salty anarchist. You might run into them, but they don't dominate the culture. They tend to dominate a few city blocks before the cops beat em down and then it's back to truffle oil french fries and artisinal ice creams. I'm half way to hating what this place has become. If anything it's generally way more rich, sedate and soulless than it used to be which just makes the radical stuff stand out that much more.
There's plenty of great people out here it's just that there's a rather large contingency of people with loud opinions on how terrible you are if you're white. The good news is that they are easy enough to ignore or interact with in a difference capacity.