I don't care if Hilary wins, a million people that voted for a literal fascist don't disappear overnight.
The US let this happen. The US let it get this close. You say "we're all neighbors no matter the outcome." With all due respect, that's fucking bullshit unless you're a straight white dude who isn't really affected by the outcome of this election. I don't want people who voted for trump to be my neighbor, lol, are you fuckin' kiddin' me?
This election has irrevocably changed my opinion of this country, and as I can see clearly that I'm not wanted here, I'm leaving ASAP.
look man... Yep... a vocal chunk of trump supporters reflect the worst of humanity (and so does he). But a larger chunk is just tired of the status quo. They're voting against "the system", they're voting against Senator/Secretary Clinton. They want the closest thing to a republican they can find... They don't hate you. They're not all gun-toting, homophobic, xenophobic, troglodytes...
blergh... now I sound like I'm trying to justify Trump or his terrible supporters... I'm most certainly not. I don't know many people who completely agree with him on everything. I could never vote for the man.
I guess what I'm saying is - we've broken bread, you and I. I think there are more of us (sensible people who agree on a lot of stuff, who want to be kind and civil, and have some minor policy differences) than them (cruel, divisive, inconsiderate bigots). You and I are super different, but can sit down and have a burrito. We can live next door to each other and bemoan the constant increases in CU tuition... I promise... regardless of the outcome of this election - you're valued and wanted around here. Stick around - I like you as a neighbor.
- I'm leaving ASAP.
Consider that it's not the country that let it happen, but the people. One thing I have found to be true time and again, is that people are the same all over. Their environment is what makes them ugly or not. When things are stable and easy, everyone seems swell. I'm not saying that there aren't better places to live. There probably are. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that it is due to the quality of the people. Take any place you want to move to, and look at its history.
I'd argue that you aren't looking for a better place or better people, but both at a better time.
But "tired of the status quo" is becoming "voting against your own self-interest" paired with a heaping dose of "fuck you and everybody else too".
I wish I could disagree with you the way others have. Unfortunately, this election has taught us that it is about race (if there was any doubt). A KKK endorsed candidate is on track to win 42-50% of the national vote. Not liking Clinton isn't an excuse. Trumps initial and enduring appeals were both to race, and I can't entertain any argument to the contrary, even from the tech crowd who love to argue otherwise ("Don't take him literally," says Thiel). Sadly, I have a lot of Trump voters in my family, but at least I already knew they were racists. It sucks worse for the people who are just finding out.
Racism is baked into the Constitution. All the 'originalists' out there (of which Trump professes to be even though he's demonstrated a lack of understanding of even the basic parts of the Constitution) are hearkening back to a time when a a black person was only 3/5 of a person (with no rights), and women rose to the level of personhood, but also with no rights. Slavery is America's original sin, and it's reflected in everything from voting rights to the Electoral College itself. What we've found out today is that the majority of the country is sick and tired of having to be PC when their true feelings are that America was, is, and will be for white men.
I hope if there's a silver lining it's that some sunlight gets shed on this horrible issue. Our history of racism has a lasting legacy, and it's apparently not going anywhere anytime soon. Our history of misogyny is just as rampant, but even I thought it was mostly beaten back. Sadly, I was wrong.
I'm very sad for our country right now. I'm watching Romney's former chief strategist lament his victory on PBS right now. That should tell everyone something.
...what can we even do at this point...I mean, moving forward, what do you think we can do? Because clearly what we've been doing isn't effective.
- You and I are super different, but can sit down and have a burrito. We can live next door to each other and bemoan the constant increases in CU tuition... I promise... regardless of the outcome of this election - you're valued and wanted around here. Stick around - I like you as a neighbor.
No matter what happens. No matter how you feel about the results, embrace this mentality with every neighbor. You can't lift others up if you don't reach your hand out for them to grab. Similarly, they can't lift you up if you keep your hand to yourself. :)
Consider the alternative angle, the millions of voices that say they do value you and your contributions. The voices that say they want you here, happy and safe.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm very unhappy with where I live right now myself. I've seen a lot of ugliness come out and it weighs on me. I've also seen a lot of heart. If I don't like the outcome of this election, I'm not leaving moving out of this country off the table. That said, hardship and adversity is a part of life, it'll be with you in one form or another where ever you end up. Personal strength though, generosity, commitment to the people around you, they'll only be with you if you choose to embrace them.
Be angry at your neighbors. That's okay. Leave or stay, that's okay. But never stop being neighborly, because once you do, you'll find yourself thinking in similar ways as the very people that frustrate you and you'll be allowing the hardships of others to multiply.