1. Describe your favorite musical moment
2. What do you think of the inactivate button and how would you change it if you could?
3. What is your message?
Thanks @userinactivated.
briandmyersOftenBenmk_refugee_FoveauxpsychoticmilkmanThatFanficGuyelizabethcoffeesp00nsam_Unitioncaelic_hawkthorneButterflyEffectthenewgreen BrainBurner nowaypablo, insomniasexx, ecib, nobodycares, psychoticmilkman arguewithatree someguyfromcanada Quatrarius am_Unition ButterflyEffect War, Meriadoc, elizabeth, briandmyers, mk, forwardslash, insomniasexx, caelum19, lil, _refugee_ galen mk, b_b, rob05c, sounds_sound, rezzeJ, goobster steve kleinbl00
raisin c_hawkthorne rd95 am_Unition bfv francopoli My apologies. If you were part of this shout-out it's because you shared this post and I had uploaded the wrong audio. It now has the music/sound accompaniment. Sorry all. On a side note, I'd be interested to know if you think it bettered the listening experience or made it worse...?
Yeah, mk is of the same thought. I would be fine with not adding music. It would certainly be a much faster process. Perhaps I should give the participant the option or perhaps we should just get rid of music... Edit: I feel like you're the reverend from Footloose.
I think the music audio is just mixed a little high. I appreciate the musical nods to what the person is saying.
I thought it was a style choice honestly. No music for an inactivated account. Placing audio between the questions is a great thing and can add to the conversation. I'm not a fan of music over speech anyway, and its one of my pet peeves with online documentaries.
Accidentally posted this without a musical accompaniment. Sorry. Please have another listen anyone that listened to this in the last 45 minutes. It's either better or worse with music. I'd be interested in your thoughts on that...
I would have put in only three(ish) track snippits, filling around 15-20% of the total length, and like 'sp00ns said, mixed maybe just a few decibels lower. So there would still be moments when the person was talking overlapped the music, but the accompanying audio would distract less. Yep, more personal without music. Thanks for asking, I appreciate it :).
Sorry dude, that was meant to be sarcastic. His name is right next to mine in the shoutout list, hahah. Was disappointed when I heard he peace'd out, glad to hear he's likely just in metamorphosis... sigh, again. He was one cool caterpillar too.