raisin c_hawkthorne rd95 am_Unition bfv francopoli My apologies. If you were part of this shout-out it's because you shared this post and I had uploaded the wrong audio. It now has the music/sound accompaniment. Sorry all. On a side note, I'd be interested to know if you think it bettered the listening experience or made it worse...?
Yeah, mk is of the same thought. I would be fine with not adding music. It would certainly be a much faster process. Perhaps I should give the participant the option or perhaps we should just get rid of music... Edit: I feel like you're the reverend from Footloose.
I think the music audio is just mixed a little high. I appreciate the musical nods to what the person is saying.
I thought it was a style choice honestly. No music for an inactivated account. Placing audio between the questions is a great thing and can add to the conversation. I'm not a fan of music over speech anyway, and its one of my pet peeves with online documentaries.