_refugee_ :D
mk If we are to maintain the integrity of the badge system then the badge-giver should be able to remove a badge from a comment when we discover the following: the comment earned a badge while on steroids (Note Ben Johnson, 1988 Seoul Olympics; Lance Armstrong, Tour de France). Badge-winning comments should be drug-free (unless posted during the #hubskidrinkclub) the comment was convicted for fraud, promoting hatred, or professional misconduct the comment abdicates
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. Are you trying to say that communication actually, you know, matters? Da fuq you talking about? But really, that's the most important thing if you're going to have good sex outside of a one-time thing. Also I talk about sex even with people that I'm not partners with. Is that weird? It's just an interesting topic. ps I circle-dotted.
Hmm. Would you mind providing an example of this? I just want to see if we're on the same page or if I'm actually one of those people. Outside of reenforcement I'd also use another "r" word - reflection to figure out if you're actually doing a good job with communicating. oh god wait, this is straight from Facebook: "You kno you need a break from your roommate when you both can have a conversation without saying a word".but they are vastly outnumbered by the people who say and think they communicate well, and in practice communicate extremely poorly.
That quote wasn't from me, but it was impeccably timed. I've found that if the phrase "we need to talk" ever comes up it's usually not good. Most conversations with a positive / neutral outcome are organic but that phrase has never ended well. As for the first part, I totally agree. Talking through problems or talking through sexual interests/whatever is so interesting though. Learning about your partner is great and if you fuck up the communication at least you're learning something I guess. just saw your other comment. I don't think I'm good at communication which is why I'm asking you these things. Duh. and it's all deleted. rest assured everybody, there were some good comments there.
I want minimum_wage 's comments to come back. Yesterday I tried to have a conversation with my former significant other about the argument that had caused our relationship to end. We couldn't sort through it. I guess neither of us were willing to budge on certain things. I didn't like a nickname he'd come up with me and instead of being willing to drop the nickname when I asked he began to attack the problems I had with the nickname. I had to say to him "Look, it doesn't matter why I have problems with it. It's a stupid nickname. I should be able to say "hey i don't like that" and you should be able to say "ok", drop it, and that's the end of this conversation." We tried to talk through our problems but really got nowhere. He had asked if maybe we could just forget the whole thing, and get back together - but we couldn't even resolve it. That seemed like a really red flag communications-wise for me. I said no. We couldn't get back together.
Oh no, this is a major no-no for me. I don't about you ref, but once I'm done with somebody I'm out. No going back. I totally agree with you on just being able to drop it with the nickname thing. I might want to know why, but that would be after the fact and more for to avoid a similar situation in the future.He had asked if maybe we could just forget the whole thing, and get back together - but we couldn't even resolve it.
I agree. I told lil that he broke up with me the way an 8 year old tells his mother he hates her when he is angry. He broke up with me because he was pissed off and lashing out. I knew even in the moment that he didn't understand the magnitude of what he was doing. It was an extremely immature action, made by someone who's never been in a real relationship before, and thought he could tell me we were broken up to upset me and I guess ultimately "bring me into line." Well, momma don't play that way. If you break up with me we are done. You have made the decision, the rather serious decision, that you no longer want to be with me. I have no interest in being with someone who's not interested in me and on top of that I have no interest in being with someone who's going to break up with me after a fight instead of discussing it and trying to work through it. so yeah, bfx, we're completely on the same page. And as for the nickname, he wanted to know why, and then argue with me about why my feelings weren't valid. as i know i said above. so...I left that situation feeling like the breakup maybe didn't need to have come as early as it did, but that itw as coming.
I got an email notif and laughed out loud (which is why you got badged). No idea who else hit you. :)
m_w gets badged for a comment, has an insightful conversation, proceeds to delete all of it. Sadness ensues.
I hand out badges kind of like candy. I have no idea how many I have to hand out at a given time but when I need one, it's always there. When I press the "!" button I hold my breath for a second. When will the day come? When will the time be that a post deserves a badge, but I cannot yet badge it? There will be such a day, I am sure. Sometimes I go on badge-power-sprees. I hand out three or five in a day. This is a great post, I'm glad you put it up, glad you called me out, and glad I read it. It fully deserves a badge. And today, I still had one to give.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "x #" next to the hubski wheel to the right of your username at the top of the page tells you the number of badges you've got on tap. Sorry if you already knew that. :)