I didn't see any of that, only the responses to it. There are lonely damaged people out there. If I stumbled upon it, I'd try to keep what little I could as evidence of it.
well, it ended up referencing the poem in a really great way. | Under the words that were omitted
lie the noise, work, and death
Missing workers walk slowly,
stop to take each breath.
Under the words that were deleted
I sit here with the few
Trying not be defeated
I move an inch closer to you.
I didn't want any evidence of it. We moved on. After it was deleted, aside from constant changes, everyone seemed aimed at the mutual good. At least, I'll choose to believe it that way. It's interesting to see how the words or ideas that we might be fond of mean nothing to others. I think the new green warned everyone not to get attached. But you are right about the lonely damaged people. In the end, we moved an inch closer to one another. Maybe.
I admit I'm responsible for two stanzas with alternating end rhymes which ultimately were kept, the weathervane and Roethke stanzas - which have been edited since, but the rhymes have been preserved. I think people saw the trend and kept it going. It's really the last stanza that it goes overboard for me. Also, geez, talk about someone who couldn't handle the prompt of an editable poem, it sounds like. The whole point is not to get attached to whatever you throw out into the waves. If you like it copy it and keep it.