About five months ago katakowsj said this here:
"Hubski is an online pub with creative and thoughtful people belly-up at the bar of reason and sanity."
The community thought that "belly-up" sounded kind of like a dead fish and suggested other wording, but that definition has stuck with me.
Today in a face-to-face discussion with forwardslash we were expressing our relief at being with someone (each other) who required no explanation of Hubski. This led to sloganizing a little and we came up with
"Some websites are just people shouting into the void. On Hubski, there is no shouting. And there is no void. Hubski - a thoughtful web."
What do y'all think? Edits welcome.
brilliant: insomniasexx mk thenewgreen: check out this: the hubwheel as a bar
I want the color scheme just with "Hubski | you're invited" on a freakin sticker now.
Well I believe thenewgreen is responsible for the stickers! You'll have to ask him!
insomniasexx what do you think? I wonder if it would communicate well on a sticker?
I think Hubski strives to be and generally successes at being a "third place," similar to a friendly old bar (I've used the analogy myself before). Hubski. Virtual third place. Cocktails welcome.
Wow. That actually describes how I use hubski perfectly. In this case, my "first place" would be facebook (for friends/family) and my "second place" would be something like Reddit (general public discussion and work related things). With hubski being my "third place" where I come to relax and get into some cool discussions.
Strange, that's the second time cock has come up today.
Hubski: It's Free of Fuckwits* *the asterisk can be anything
My explanation of Hubski to friends: "It's the oasis of the internet. Imagine a place with no trolls and no memes. Yes, it really does exist."
Hubski: the non-judgemental friend who is willing to help or just chat.