I've "owned" half a dozen Solar Fields albums for a decade or more. Ourdom came out a month or so ago and I was presented with the option of buying the discography. Feels good man.
I've discovered lately that my musical tastes run to "drive into the sunset" music.
If that's where you're trying to go, allow me to infect you with the glory that is the Future Sound of London, particularly the Environments albums.
Solar Fields is a little more glowstick-ey.
Full warning - Future Sound of London covers quite a wild gamut.
Once again, smart algorithms are digging into my brain and finding things I didn't even know I loved.
First up is Spotify introducing me to Speedometer, an English funk band with an amazing album full of this:
and instrumentals like:
And then the NPR Tiny Desk concert series blew my mind with two different groups:
Dee Dee Bridgewater is an oldskool blues queen like you just don't see any more:
Jenny and the Mexicats is a raucous bunch of latin grooves and fun in multiple languages:
A jazz trio that grooves in the weirdest way. I'm not usually drawn to jazz that has an excessive amount of dissonance and ambiguous tonality. But the rhythms these guys glue it all together with makes it work for me.
Syd Arthur - Morning's Calling
Psych/prog-rock band that treads a really cool line between a number of styles. They have a great knack for taking standard ideas and infusing them with interesting twists and turns.
The Opeth track I always come back to.
Super understated neo-soul/r&b. Enchanting vocalist.
Lydian Collective - Thirty One
Infectious, melodic jazz. This would usually be a bit 'happy' sounding for me. But similar to Troyka above, the rhythms and arrangements swing it for me.
Yarn - Memories Vol. 1 was one of my favourite releases from 2017
I've only just got round to listening to Vol 2 which came out in February.
Also some random nostalgia re-discovering Jingo de Lunch - Perpetuum Mobile and remembering the painfully embarrassing crush I had on Tania who introduced them to me.
I've been getting into a weird atmospheric mood recently. I don't usually listen to Radiohead but took a ride in my friend's car and got really into A Moon Shaped Pool. Deck's Dark is a really good track off that album (not on YouTube sadly).
Saw these guys last year when they came to my city. I danced my ass off. Felt more alive than I have in 20 years of existence.
Old Naked and Famous stuff is good.
And of course Harvey Danger because why not.
This album is killing me. I've listened to it on a number of sound systems and I'm normally not snotty about this kind of thing but it's a lot more enjoyable on pristine vinyl with great speakers than as a high quality digital copy played on anything else. Maybe the vinyl copy I've been lent is a really great remaster?
Don't know anything about this band but I'll be digging out more from them. It really makes me want to fight.
White folks killing it afro beat style with one of Fela's kids and friends.
Sounds good on the shop sound system at painfully loud volumes.
Heard this track on dope mix tapes for years, what a fucking photo. Estonian soul music? Sure, I guess, it's cool.
If you like post punk or No Wave you'll probably love this gem of an album. 9 out of 10 Joy Division fans agree that it's at least decent.
Since I'm spamming the shit out of 'share some music' this week, here's what my kid has listened to waaayyy too many times for me to possibly enjoy it anymore. Freaky little kid I've made myself... "Daddy, Daddy, play me the disturbing song again!"
Listening to Stan Getz today.
Listened to “The Vaseline’s,” yesterday.