I'll figure out better formatting soon.
Your yelling the next point of the plot made me spit out coke as I was reading! Very well done sir!
(didn't want to spoil it by quoting)
Insom breaking into TNG's bedroom?! This is getting scandalous right quick, that it is.
What an ending to this chapter! insomniasexx you have a kick ass entry in to the story.
Soooo good!
I love it. I am in love with it. I am going to propose to this story. This is amazing.
This is totally a-fuckin'-mazing. Keep up the good work. I especially enjoyed your yelling at the plot like ironpotato had mentioned.
AHHHHHH you will be getting all my badges. This is so meta fantastic I can't stand it. I scream-laughed when I got to the end.
Yeah, haha. I have an idea of how it starts and how it ends but other than that I'm winging it. I figure the shape will solidify the further I go. Plus it leaves me more room to go nuts with it.
Also just wanted to say I saw your message, i was already planning on putting you in!