I landed at 6am, rented car, drove to Leominster, took shower, picked up digi and now....
ButterflyEffect and mal-2 and digi and myself are here at Sam Adams brewery!!
humanodon is battling a hangover and is on his way.
I'm extremely bummed that I am not there. Have a blast all! Insom will take good care of y'all! So jealous.
Straight dude. Straight. Didn't you see the pic of me and Rico. We're so golden and sober and not rerarded
Yeah, seriously... insomniasexx, don't come back to Hubski HQ without solutions.
What a crew! Wish I were with ya. As it is I'm at a park with some friends and our kids and some BBQ. I brought some absinthe, cuz I'm not driving. -odd, I know. Buy The fellas a shot on me. Also, more photos of all y'all.
I brought some ice and simple syrup. -we had a small glass each. My friend is Serbian and was just in Prague trying various absinthe's. He liked the one I brought.
Okay, I'm REALLY into absinthe, and you have to drink it proper for the good stuff. And, all due respect to your Serbian friend, the Czech stuff is complete shit. Find American or French and you're off to a good start. It should be entirely organic ingredients, as in only herbs that should be listed. What you need now to get this good is sugar and very cold water. Sugar cubes are ideal, but not required. -Fill your glass one fifth to one third absinthe. I think a fifth or a fourth is the perfect balance, but hey, different strokes. -If you have sugar cubes, take a fork and place it across the glass with the sugar cube resting on top. Drip the cold water onto the cube until it's saturated, then slowly add more until the sugar is totally in the glass and then fill the rest with the water. Drop from as high as possible without it splashing out. -Without a cube, put the amount of sugar in you like. Estimate one cube, but this is taste preference. There should be a sweetness, but not overpoweringly. There should be a spice behind the absinthe's flavor that will be offset with too much sugar. Then add your water from above as to blend the sugar, water, and absinthe. You'll notice the liquid goes from a translucent, brilliant neon green to an opague, milky white/green color. You'll also notice the aroma come out fully at this point. Sip and enjoy. AH GOOD. I WORKED ALL DAY, I'M NOT IN BOSTON, AND NOW I'M DRUNK AT HOME AND WRITING ABSINTHE PREP INSTRUCTIONS. WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND I'M HAVING NOT IN BOSTON.
Ohhhh Meriadoc. We will have a ton more opportunities to hang out, especially when I figure out where my brother will be playing minor ball. Obviously, when he makes the big I will be in DC a lot. So exciting. I love DC!!! That said, you should probably stop working on Saturdays. There is far too much life to live! I've only had absinthe a couple times and the first was in Italy when I was 16. The bottle we got came with this nifty little flat piece of metal with a handle that could sit on a glass and it had holes in it for the sugar cube. It works really well. We did the whole sugar cube sha-bang how you outlined above with assistance from some local Italians. I liked it but I was too young to fully appreciate the flavors and everything. Maybe I should try it again.
That's called an absinthe spoon! You can get really, really gorgeous ones too. There are so many fantastic kinds! If he sticks around with the Nats farm system, it's still around the DC area! AAA games are so much fun with the O's at least, so I'm sure the Nats would be great too. Oh man I can't wait til the end of the summer. No more Saturdays at work!
What happened to digi who might be the clean-shaven guy in the first few pictures? Is he the photographer here? humanodon how nice to finally see you in person. For some reason I thought you were older and balder. I have no idea why. Although you might actually be older. Too bad that _refugee_ didn't make it.
Yes - digi is the clean shaven one and occasionally took the photos so that I could be in a few of them. humanodon is pretty much the most amazing person ever but looks far younger than he is. Good genes in that man. We gave out a ton of stickers yesterday and we have a couple new Hubski slogans now. First, when we gave them to random people at the street fair, we were saying "Check out hubski - it's a website to enlighten your brain" and a ton of variations on that. But then that sounded a bit religious - and we were literally handing random people stickers - so we came up with a much better one: "Hubski: It's not a Jesus thing"
For the record, every single person I have met from Hubski is incredibly fun to hang out with. It's hard to know what expect from meetups - especially meetups with internet people - but I've yet to meet a Hubskier that is socially awkward or inept or an asshole. The few Reddit meetups I attended in NYC though - wow - that's a whole 'nother story!
...which I now want to hear about.The few Reddit meetups I attended in NYC though - wow - that's a whole 'nother story!
Good lord I thought it was a Sam Adams tattoo. Insom you flew to Boston for the meetup? That's v cool.
It was a very good decision! My college boyfriend is from Central MA so I've spent a lot of time traveling through Boston but very little time in the city. It was really, really amazing to hang out there all day. It was even better that we went ALL over the city barhopping so I got the full experience. I can't even remember how many bars we went to.
I'm the fellow with the beard on the left side of the picture.
Weird, I always assumed you'd be more presentable.
...ouch.s It's a recent thing. Honestly, half of it is I've never grown a beard before and want to have some fun with it for my last free summer.
It was a goof, we hubskiers are a handsome breed. Have fun pal!
Just got back. It was wonderful meeting all of you and all that jazz. Hope to make it to some more meetups in the future! In the meantime, you're all welcome to add me on Facebook (I can link to my profile if anyone actually wants to).