I couldn't have finished the book in a more beautiful location. Hope all is well on the hub. Next book up is Jack London's Call of the Wild. My father recommended I read it, so it jumped to the front of the line. May have to wait till tomorrow as its 2 for 1 mojitos at our place today and Carlos makes them fuerte.
I would agree that it's definitely odd, but it's odd in a familiar way for the genre. -but I shall save further discussion for the 25th :-)
Aw, snap, I completely forgot. When are we supposed to have it read for? Now I want mojitos.
I'm following #hubskibookclub to watch for updates. I don't think anyone has decided on the next book, but we'll probably figure something out after we finish the first one.
I just read the first three chapters of Murakami's Kafka on the Shore yesterday while killing time at Barnes and Noble. I'm intrigued by it, and might suggest it (that is, unless everybody has already read it; I know it has been very popular for a almost a decade).
Kafka on the Shore is a fantastic book! I still prefer The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, though, perhaps because I read it first.
I finished "Call of the Wild," and really loved it, but I had to move on. I ended up reading tenth of December by George Saunders. It's a collection of really wonderful short stories. If you've not already read it, I highly recommend. -Great traveling reading fyi...