don’t we still have vc-subsidized scooters through lime and whatever companies?
my friends at Harborview spend too much time on patients who did dumb shit on lime scooters
where i live we just kept throwing them in the river until the city passed a law about them
The idea that if you can download an app you can safely pilot a scooter without any real guidance, especially through eg inner London or New York, is gonna be one of those major "wtf" things, in the future. So will cars. But VC scooters, much sooner. Yeah we definitely did this one night a few years back. Very intentionally. Empty stadium's surrounding pedestrian infrastructure. Everyone hit almost everyone, eventually. We all went into it fully knowing how it would end. Friend's fianceé made it about 2 minutes before we were arriving back where we started, then went right over the handlebars. Classic. The videos are great/illegal-ish, but beautiful bruise pics in the group chat for days