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comment by spencerflem
spencerflem  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Joe, it’s time to go

Nobody thinks you're arguing for Trump, they think you hate both but are arguing that Biden is more likely to use nukes than Trump.

In my opinion this is a baffling take, and I too question what information you have that lead here.

b_b  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Loooooooool. I’m talking about a gaping hole at the top of the military, for which nuclear war is the direst problem. Constitutionally, the president is the commander in chief. An absent cic is a constitutional crisis in and of itself. I think this place is letting its tds make it dumber by the minute.

am_Unition  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm just trying to imagine

Do you think the secret service jogwalks over to Biden and says

  Sir it's 75 three megaton Russian yields about 8 degrees off the north pole right now, what do we do, sir

And Biden says

  Oh. Oh. I, I forgot my nuke playbook here on the campaign trail, oh no! I guess that's it then

Like what do you think this process looks like, he freezes up and centcom looks around the console "oh well, there goes 10 metros, and he called Bill 'Greg', put it in the paper that he called Bill 'Greg'"?

How involved do you think Joe Biden is with nuclear strategery? I think it's less than the guy floating a radioactive cyclone

b_b  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You should avail yourself of some Cold War history. We came close to nuclear war in the 60s, as most people know, but also in the 80s. But for the calm thinking of leaders in the US and USSR, things could have differently. The fact that you prefer to be flip about the president’s primary job, CIC, is troubling to me.

thenewgreen  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I think this place is letting its tds make it dumber by the minute.
it’s crazy. Being critical of Biden, or questioning his cognitive abilities does not mean you prefer, or tacitly condone Trump.

Two things can be true at the same time. Biden can be cognitively impaired and Trump can be abysmal. The left still has time to put up a better candidate. My guess is that it will be Kamala and Whitmer. Kamala still has access to the money they’ve raised and Whitmer brings Michigan and strengthens them on their strongest issue: women’s reproductive rights.

I was called crazy by family and friends for arguing strongly that the Dems needed to hold a robust primary. “You can’t primary a sitting President. He’s not too old…” was their reply. If Dean Phillips or RFKJ were the nominees Trump would be toast.

Biden/Harris have four years of baggage and they can claim that inflation is getting better and they’re creating jobs etc, but people don’t feel that. People feel like inflation is out of control, interest rates are bonkers and that they’re underemployed. Meanwhile, they see billions of tax payer money flying out the door to support foreign wars/countries while our border remains porous, our country is addicted, depressed and diseased.

The Dems used to be the anti-corporate corruption party, anti Wall Street, anti war, first amendment absolutists party. All that has gone away. The two party system is obsolete. Shades of grey.

Biden has never met a war he didn’t like. I am afraid he will bring us to ww3. The question should be, Can Biden be our president in 3 years time? I think we all know he will be mush by then.

For what it’s worth, I think trump is worse. But at least with Trump, crypto has a home in the United States. Biden/Warren’s anti crypto crusade is truly bonkers. Protecting nobody but traditional finance/banks. The Dems have lost their way and their leader is beyond too old.

Let’s see what happens. This is the first time in my life I’m rooting for the Dems to lose. Following the Kennedy campaign and how the DNC is keeping him off of ballots, colluding with CNN to keep him out of debates, denying him secret service protection (latest polls have him at 19% nationally) has been eye opening. Fuck the DNC! They denied us a primary and have made their bed. Now they must lie in it.

ButterflyEffect  ·  93 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Does the recently leaked conversation between RFK jr and Trump change your view at all?

b_b  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sad what’s happened here. Same circle jerk as the rest of the internet.

spencerflem  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Honestly feel the same way. Really shows how much kleinbl00 was doing all the hard work of finding interesting things to talk about.

I hope things pick back up after the election but I'm ducking out again

thenewgreen  ·  96 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Who was this? Hard to know. But no matter, all the best to you. This place is only as interesting as the people here. If/when you come back, bring some interesting pals. The infrastructure is here. It has the potential to be a cool place. Wishing you well!!
