Yeah but how many kids' lives did he save by making sure that they didn't end up retarded?
Sadly, not all of them. But don't fret, we can't all be engineers turned PhD's. The world needs people to waive, "hello," at Walmart's too.
- we can't all be engineers turned PhD's
- Edit: I suppose I retain my title of Hubski's only physicist...
Edit 2: Nevermind!
mk, creator of this place is a medical physicist. Does that count? Once in an article they called him, “Mr.,” and me, “Dr.” for a brief moment I too was a PhD ;-)
Hell yeah it counts. I'm chasing his h-index. Should be there within a decade and a half, I hope. Of course his will have gone up in the interim.
But also, he is not a prolific songwriter. Can't overstate my respect for a long, long run of musicianship.
None of them, sadly. Aren't they all still non-white non-Americans? Why else would they choose to do that
we are doing non-PC humor for one day on hubski to see if we die