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comment by ButterflyEffect
ButterflyEffect  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 11, 2023

weekly girl update

unclear if I’ll end up being wrong on if this will work out or not - I have learned, or had an epiphany over the last week, that what she wants even if she hasn’t said it explicitly is for me to tell her what I want, to take charge and plan actual dates and outdoors stuff for us, and that these are things she’s found attractive. I’ve shied away from that recently due to the dynamic of friends/lovers/etc…but so far this week, positive reception and results to the changes I’ve made in approach 🤷🏻‍♂️

spent Saturday night together, Sunday morning had sex again (yay), and spent Sunday night together. Maybe spending tonight together. Funny part is, she did go on a dinner date with someone else on Friday. Came back to me…

WanderingEng  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  
ButterflyEffect  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

goddammit that is wildly accurate and reflects the current situation. It's more like 75% more time.

b_b  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've been married for a gazillion years, and I'm still learning what my wife wants. The point isn't to be perfect, but just to try, put some effort. Trying is like 99% of the battle. Sounds so easy when you say it out loud, but hard in practice sometimes.

ButterflyEffect  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's even harder when the other person really isn't sure what she wants. Prime example, the other night, she's talking about how she's "not even truly sure if that's what she wants" in reference to dating other people, and how "she doesn't even have time for that, how she likes me, knows she likes me, loves spending time with me"., etc.

Other examples include her asking me what communication I want, and feel like I should get, if/when she goes on other dates. My response? The only two things I need are (a) to know when you're going on a date involving the climbing gym we both go to so that I know what space to give her if that happens and (b) if she meets someone who she would rather spend more time with than me. That's it, the rest is as little/as much as she wants to share. Which surprised her, in a good way. She keeps making these stories in her head about all this.

goobster  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    "That's it, the rest is as little/as much as she wants to share. Which surprised her, in a good way."

This is honestly the first time in this saga I've felt there was anything healthy going on here, for either of you. And this is wonderful! Keep communicating your needs, and understanding her needs, and ... what more does one need? That's a good foundation, right there.

ButterflyEffect  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Another recent example that seems healthy is we spent time together a few nights ago, hit around 10pm, asked what her thoughts were on spending the night together vs. apart. She stated she felt it would be good for her to have alone time, and asked how I felt about that because she was worried I would be disappointed. My response was that I was happy she was telling me her wants and needs, and that I had no expectation or spending the night but wanted to ask as it was getting late, no disappointment, etc.

goobster  ·  467 days ago  ·  link  ·  

BOOM! That's lovely communication and honesty, right there. That's the good stuff, because - even if it doesn't work out between you two in the end - you will both be clear on WHY it didn't work, because everything is up front and genuine and honest. I love this for you... honestly.

user-inactivated  ·  468 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I envy your capacity to navigate this! I do hope it all works out.

    Came back to me

That seems very positive!!

In your shoes, if we weren't exclusively seeing each other I'd be somewhat closed off. I would happily go on dates and continue to see her but there'd be a limit to what I'd be emotionally investing in. Certainly not saying you're going about it the wrong way! I suspect I'd miss out on the experiences and memories you're developing right now.

This has reminded me, and it might not be something you can specifically answer so floor is open to all.. I'd heard that American's are surprisingly not very promiscuous? Obviously we can't generalize a massive country like that, but the American's I've met over the years here in NZ, have usually been quite surprised that A) we Kiwis have sex very early on in the "dating" phase (or just straight up one-night stands) and B) usually have quite a few partners in their lifetime. I always assumed we consume so much American culture that we followed suit and American's were similar to us when it comes to relationships, but apparently not!