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comment by kleinbl00

Angry volunteers sick of your shit, quit en-masse: film at 11

    Or better yet, don't be a dirtbag.

LOL OB check the video

Chick recorded SEVEN MINUTES of normal shit before Kim Beede was asked about a facebook post in which she got harassed. At which point she acted human, so did everyone else, it blew up on NBC news, and to a man, they all said fuck this shit and noped out of an unpaid volunteer position taking care of other people's kids.

I used to think you mostly liked vengeance porn against the religious. Nope. You hate everyone.

cgod  ·  1486 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If you own a business or are a public official you don't have the luxury of acting human without consequence.

I know people who are the presidents of large hobby clubs that will only talk about certain issues by phone, never text or email.

If I were a few of the people in that zoom call I would be dying inside after watching it. School board service is usually something more than selfless public service and if you resigned you lost something you cared about more than the children.

I look forward to my next career as a ditch digger because there are about a half dozen people who have a giant go fuck your self's coming but in the mean time I'll bite my lips and count my money.

OftenBen  ·  1486 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My initial reaction does seem unjustified.

I find it hard to understand where the bar is for acceptable behavior from a public official, of any capacity.

A friend of mine would like to run for school board/ city council. I've been trying to explain to him that I support him and he needs to be aware that the criteria for having a public figure castigated is not the fact of any kind if impropriety, but the appearance.

steve  ·  1486 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I will say the tag of "byebyejob" is extra funny - I imagine none of these people are paid, and getting to quit over something like this may be a welcome relief.

elizabeth  ·  1486 days ago  ·  link  ·  

i think it's in reference of the subreddit of the same name.

kleinbl00  ·  1486 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I find it hard to understand where the bar is for acceptable behavior from a public official, of any capacity.

You go to war with the army you have, d00d. It's almost always petty griefing and it's always tied to the target audience. The Dixie Chicks were burned at the stake for saying "we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas" but Morgan Wallen saw a 300% spike in album sales after he got busted saying the n-word.

This is small-town bitter-ass politics in a bay-area commuter community. The median home is $640k. It's a 64% white city that wasn't even incorporated until 1999. The bar is "just this side of whatever I need to get that bitch for saying mean things on Facebook" and always will be.

Note that in Fresno, a mere 3-hour drive away, a member of the school board suffered no blowback for pointing a gun at someone in a fight at a school barbecue. Friend of mine watched it happen.

OftenBen  ·  1485 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So there is no bar.