- Video posted on social media showed a car ploughing at speed into several slow-moving vehicles, which were surrounded by a densely packed crowd. Emergency services were pictured treating a number of people who were injured.
It's being reported that one person has died from the car plowing incident.
I just watched the video in the article. The alt-right protesters are armed... Why is there no police? There should be a line of police between those two groups and not just standing on the side and letting them beat each other up. Am I missing something?
Not really, it seems.Am I missing something?
I live about an hour east of Charlottesville, so this is has been kind of weird. Charlottesville is a vaguely hippy college town (the University of Virginia is there), and according to an article on the goings-on went 80% Democratic in the last presidential election. A friend of my wife lives there, and told us earlier that the guy who drove into the protestors was arrested on her street. For some reason it's become a gathering point for white supremacists from outside the area. The surrounding counties are pretty rural, and a couple of the organizers are of course local, but I'd be amazed if there's that many neo-Nazis who actually live around there. In the meantime, here's the Blues Brothers on Nazis.
I'm not sure he could've. They'd already moved the rally due to safety concerns, and the city is being sued as a result. edit Correction: they tried to move the rally, but were blocked.
Yea! The government should start regulating speech! Oh wait, Trump is president. Maybe we should hesitate before we yield the very 1st amendment of the Constitution to the whims of elected officials who might have very different ideas about right and wrong from a significant portion of our society
You don't realize white nationalists use "free speech" as a way to appeal to centrists? There's something to be said about the danger of relying on state power of course, but it should also be apparent that white nationalism is violence in-itself. There is no democratic value in protecting it.