I finished it today, and thought it was fantastic. It wasn't the show I thought I was going to get, but it was one I loved nonetheless. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers here - but I'm eager to discuss the show with someone.
I was really hyped going in thinking I was going to get another Serial season 1 - this is not that at all, but by the time I figured that out the show had me hooked anyway.
I found myself connecting to the cast (do you call real people part of a cast?) in ways I never expected I would going off of the teasers & promotion for the podcast. Particularly John - maybe it's just because the show is about him, but his story brought feelings back up to the surface that I hadn't felt in years; it was a moving experience for me.
I would definitely recommend the show to anyone on the fence about it; but I'll say one last time that it is not the show the teasers made it out to be.
(Also this is my first comment on Hubski! So - hi Hubskiteers! This seems like a great community, I hope to get to know you all!)
I finished it last night. Plowed through it actually. I am a binger at heart. I thought it fantastic as well. One thought I had that I didn't hear anyone on the podcast touch on, and maybe I missed it, but to me, there is an obvious connection between the gold bars that he has and the fire guilding that he does. i'm just wondering if his stashed gold in the forest isn't about him being rich, and more about regularly buying and using gold for horology. Thoughts?
I never really got a sense of quantites for anything throughout the podcast. We had a witness of one gold bar coming from a box that maybe had more bars inside, but that was an assumption. We also have no idea how much guilding was actually being done, but because he was the only one in the country doing it, it could have been a lot.
Now I feel like I'm destroying a good storey by analyzing it too much. What I mean to say is "Thar's gold in them hills."
Finished it today. While I definitely enjoyed it, I can just as easily imagine people hating it. I liked that it showed the raw emotions and complexity of the people involved. It felt way more like a meandering character study than a murder mystery to me. It was definitely moving, but I'm pretty sure that that mileage may vary.
Some things I didn't like were the parts he (Brian, not John) chose to talk or not talk at length about - I, for one, would have loved more on the clock maker friends and their relations to him, or even about the clocks themselves. I thought it lacked structure, if it weren't for the twist I would have stopped after the second episode. And I could not unhear the narrators tendency to talk like he could cry at every second? Each sentence he ended a bit shrill and higher pitched. It was a bit annoying.
rd95 and I just listened to the first episode. Trying real hard not to read the spoilers. I was on the fence about this but the original trypod post pushed me over it. I loved the first season of Serial and also Starlee Kine's way too short-lived 'Mystery Show.' Thus has a bit of the feel of both those shows without being either. Curious to find out whether this death is real or if we are being screwed with.