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War · 3385 days ago · link · · parent · post: Female-named hurricanes kill more than male hurricanes because people don’t respect them, study finds - The Washington Post
Let's name hurricanes after terrible things like: Hurricane Comcast, Typhoon Volkswagen, Tropical Storm J.P. Morgan.
WanderingEng · 3385 days ago · link ·
Or serial killers? Hurricane Gein. Or mass murderer dictators? Hurricane Pol Pot.
Edit My guess is that eventually they will be given gender-neutral names. I get that it is easier to track a hurricane if you give it a name rather than a number. The same is true of comets. There are things in outer space that we know only by number (right francopoli?) and without the personification of a name, they are largely forgettable.Or mass murderer dictators? Hurricane Pol Pot.
Now that's a great idea!