I'm actually kinda proud of mine: The Color Purple and That's What Friends are For.
Song - Monday, Monday by The Mamas and The Papas
Movie - Dr. Zhivago. Which I have never watched despite owning it.
Back to the Future - Noice.
St. Elmo's Fire - Also Noice.
But more importantly, on 9/11/85 Pete Rose became the all-time hit leader of Major League Baseball passing Ty Cobb with his 4,192nd hit. Pete Rose has been a hero of mine for a long time because he does not like rules, he will get away with whatever he can if you give him room, and this quote: "Every time I step up to the plate, I expect to get a hit! If I don't expect to get a hit, I have no right to step in the batter's box in the first place!" Play to win in all things. Cheating is called winning if you don't get caught. Don't get caught.
I just read Charlie Hustle's wiki and learned he was born in Cincinnati. Hometown hero.
What Ii meant is that Rose was born there and ended up playing and coaching for the Cincinnati Reds, so he is their hometown hero and not mine. For some reason I have never even had an excuse to visit Cincinnati!
The Fisher King
Good Vibrations - Marky Mark.
Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
I like that song so much I remember the first time I heard it and saw the video. Sitting in a train station cafe somewhere in northern Germany and it was on the tv. Then they played 99 Luftballons. Both great songs. Sinead did it much better than Prince ever did IMO. (And I I think Prince is an incredible musician).