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comment by OftenBen
OftenBen  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 22, 2015

I think I'm going to take tonight just for me, instead of 'BAZILLION THINGS YOU NEED TO DO NOW THAT YOU'RE LIVING ALONE' plus a 5 minute attempt at meditation/blood pressure reduction before bed. I'm going to crack open a howler of beer that's been sitting in my fridge, pick up my neglected guitars, maybe watch a brainless movie instead of trying to cram more information into my already overloaded head.

I think I need to re-learn how to make truly new friends. After the first year of undergrad most of the people I met, I met through a mutual acquaintance and my 'Go out and meet people independently' gears are more than a little rusty. Other than work and going out with some friends who came down for a weekend to help me move some furniture I haven't really explored my new city like at all. I've been justifying it by saying that I'm saving money by not going out and I need to live like I'm broke for a while to avoid going into non-student-loan-debt, but I think I'm actually more than a little nervous to be out and about on my own. I'm not at all used to going out by myself and just letting things happen to me.

ButterflyEffect  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  


Fucking right!? "I need a couch", "I need to finish a stereo setup", "I need a vacuum cleaner", "I need to clean this apartment". There are a bazillion things to do and it's crazy.

Finding balance is hard.

kleinbl00  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Broke up with a girl in 2001. September 13, in fact. Gave her the apartment September 13, 14 and 15, and came back to discover my ass completely cleaned out. Like, couch, bed, 90% of the CDs, everything gone.

Wandered over to Fred Meyer and bought a 32" Trinitron television, a claw hammer, a party sub and a box of condoms. Did not get to use the condoms nearly soon enough. Used the party sub immediately.

Two weeks later, had to buy the same goddamn mattress and the same goddamn bedframe again, despite the fact that I'd bought them six months previously. Still loving both.

PROTIP: you can probably get by with a carpet sweeper until things get dire.

humanodon  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Wandered over to Fred Meyer and bought a 32" Trinitron television, a claw hammer, a party sub and a box of condoms. Did not get to use the condoms nearly soon enough. Used the party sub immediately.

Haha! I wonder what the incidence of party sub use vs. condom use is. Somewhere, someone got a grant to fund this research, I am sure of it.

OftenBen  ·  3522 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude I can't tell you how many times I've gotten home, plopped down on the couch and realized that I left something on, a light, bathroom fan, bedroom fan, TV, all damn day.

humanodon  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh dude, just got a decent vacuum on Groupon, as my new place has carpet in the bedrooms. Moving is always more expensive than projected . . .

caeli  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm about to be living alone in a new city too!! How long have you been living on your own?

If you're in a big city, there might be some interest groups nearby. Like clubs in undergrad :D. A lot of them are probably pretty cheap/free too. Dancing clubs, board game clubs, etc.

OftenBen  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    How long have you been living on your own?

Pretty much end of June.

I'm auditioning for a choir in September, and i'm going to start going to the local open mic night at the comedy club, just to get a feel for the scene. If all else fails, I like DnD, and will find a local LFG and join up.

caeli  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nice! Good luck with everything :)