Hey guys, Difference here. Today marks (hopefully) the start of a long running event on Hubski. The ambition is to watch and discuss an anime as a group. Finding content that everyone will enjoy and have the time and access to see will be difficult, but we can manage.
The first series we will be watching is Serial Experiments: Lain
I suggest going into the series blind, but not everyone like surprise. It has a sci-fi theme, and that is all I know about it. I will provide a link for those who want to know before hand if they will be interested.
There are 13 episodes, at around 22:19 seconds a video. This comes to roughly 4 hours and 40 minutes.
I think with the alloted time, everyone can finish the series by 7/24/15. Thatgives us two weeks, and that will be the day of our first discussion (unless someone would like to do episode by episode, but I will not be creating those posts.)
Serial Experiments is an older show (circa 1998 I think) and there should be plenty of ways to find and watch it.
I look forward to hearing from everybody!
I guess im starting to see why this is so hard. Would 2 weeks be better?
Alright. So far it seems like that's what the majority want, so i'll go ahead and change it to 7/24/15
Just commenting to say I will be following along. Excited for the discussion, but I'll probably only join in at the end regardless if there are per-episode posts. Thanks for getting this going Difference.
An episode a day is all you have to manage! Good luck with the new life changes. :-)
Glad to hear it War. I need to message some of the others from yesterdays thread to let them know we are starting.
The problem is it's hard to tell who is participating or not, because I have people sharing the post, I have people dotting the post, and I have people commenting. Ideally, I wanted everyone who is going to watch it with us to say something, but it's not the case. It's a wait and see until the 24th.
Well, yea that's why I said for later threads. If anything this will mostly serve as a test of sorts. When the 24th comes around, and people participate you make the list of people from that. From then on just shout-out those people. If anyone wants to join the shout-out list they can ask in the thread. Got the idea from the movieclub for the shout-out thing btw.
It seems simple and effective. We will have to try it. I can't wait for the 24th now, it's going to be a quiet 2 weeks in #animeclub haha
No, they weren't very inclusive and seemed to skip over anyone who hadn't seen 300+ series. I wanted to discuss Monster after I had just watched it, and the best response I could get was, 'I didn't like the ending." I told that person why I did and he didn't bother to message back. Maybe i'm just being whiny, but I thought that talking about anime was WHY WE ARE HERE. I guess not. It's a place to sell merch, lol