I should be able to complete the series in the allotted time.
Glad to hear it War. I need to message some of the others from yesterdays thread to let them know we are starting.
The problem is it's hard to tell who is participating or not, because I have people sharing the post, I have people dotting the post, and I have people commenting. Ideally, I wanted everyone who is going to watch it with us to say something, but it's not the case. It's a wait and see until the 24th.
Well, yea that's why I said for later threads. If anything this will mostly serve as a test of sorts. When the 24th comes around, and people participate you make the list of people from that. From then on just shout-out those people. If anyone wants to join the shout-out list they can ask in the thread. Got the idea from the movieclub for the shout-out thing btw.
It seems simple and effective. We will have to try it. I can't wait for the 24th now, it's going to be a quiet 2 weeks in #animeclub haha
No, they weren't very inclusive and seemed to skip over anyone who hadn't seen 300+ series. I wanted to discuss Monster after I had just watched it, and the best response I could get was, 'I didn't like the ending." I told that person why I did and he didn't bother to message back. Maybe i'm just being whiny, but I thought that talking about anime was WHY WE ARE HERE. I guess not. It's a place to sell merch, lol