There's been some nice IRC chats with people pushing back the dark by introducing themselves by location, including Ireland, Belgium, Hawaii, and the usual suspects. We've actually been delightfully civilized, but that's unusual generally.
I can pop in Monday night.
I'd like someone to suggest a theme and volunteer to be a moderator.
Lambda, our IRC bot, suggested this theme. He asked me, "Do you have to qualify the infinite around the irc?"
"I can't even quantify the infinite, Lambda."
I'm down, sounds like a fun time. Look forward to chatting with a few more of the old guard and getting to know people around the 'ski. :)
It might not be a bad time. forwardslash and I might be doing some server work Monday night.
What time Monday night and what channel? I might be able to pop in for an hour or so. I'll be more than pleasant (I'd like to think I always am). Just don't try to discern where I'm from or anything. Other than such vaguery as "The States" you're not gonna get much more out of me. ;)