Today's challenge: "Hands"
thenewgreen, insomniasexx, NotPhil, Aksalon, BlackBird, AlderaanDuran, rezzeJ, b_b, mk, cW, flagamuffin, johnjohnrocks, BlackBird, Hell, dead5, Jeshk0, haymakers9th, demure, Hell, T-Dog, eightbitsamurai, BLOB_CASTLE, Complexity, HedonicTreadmiller Volchek thundara, cgod, kleinbl00, elizabeth, nowaypablo, ThatsAFreeThinker, ecib, khaaan, wasoxygen, ButterflyEffect, fr33lunch, mike, sounds_sound, galen, eightbitsamurai
This is one of my favorite shots to come out of this #decemberphotochallenge, thanks for sharing it. I'm not sure why I like it so much, but it's evocative for me.
Appreciate it. My dad's hands opening Christmas gifts. I enjoyed the shot more than I thought I would too. Same thing for me, no idea why I liked it, but after running it through post I loved it.
Just found this in my "Facebook for the Year" thing. I've always hated statements like these. They're devoid of meaning, they just have the perception of meaning. They let (young) people indulge in some fantasy that I never really understood or was a part of. I'm made of stars. So fucking what? That statement does nothing to change my life. It's even more worthless than over-wrought inspirational quotes.
is handed peer reviewed journal Haha nonono I meant CGI pictures of space with misattributed quotes as captions fucking LOVE science.
It's the 'you don't love science, you just like staring at it's butt while it walks by.' argument. However, I would rather people get excited about science, space exploration and related topics than getting excited about the next season of Honey-Boo-Boo's-American-Gold Picking-Diners Drive-In's-and-eventual suicide. Yeah, the IFLS trend isn't going to get us to Mars, but neither is a lot of stuff. Look at it like this, who would you rather people idolize and gush over, the modern day freak show that is TLC (Fat everybody, pretty damn close to a bearded lady, dwarves, etc), or Chris Hadfield?
I have no idea what Honey-Boo-Boo is. I've heard the president reference it as something to ridicule. I'm either old, or I chose my media wisely, but literally, I have no idea what it is. Is it a show? A character? An ice cream flavor?
Do no research. Seriously. The greatest joy would be to not know anything about it. Short version, TLC made a show about a family of white trash. Morbidly obese mother, puts her very young daughter in pageants and gives her caffeine to improve her performance/ make her act psychotic. The daughters nickname is honey boo boo. It is child abuse on camera.I have no idea what Honey-Boo-Boo is.
shrugs Takes time. And a high level of reading comprehension. And a willingness to do further research if they encounter an unfamiliar term or concept. The list goes on. Think about how dumb the average person is, and remember that half of them are dumber than that.
My lovely boyfriend and my lovely father redoing the cloth zipper ties with cables so that we can lock them. I think I was supposed to be grabbing something for them, but instead I was taking photos like a good little 21st century girl.
Oh, Fuddy Meers. I liked that more than Hamlet. Mostly because I didn't read Hamlet. My entire IB Diploma was riding on whether or not I'd get a Hamlet passage for my English Oral example. Luckily I got Fuddy Meers. I think. It might have been Robert Frost. Either way thanks Fuddy Meers/Robert Frost.