We, uh, haven't really planned on what we're going to do yet, but assumedly drinking, maybe a concert, and for all y'all tourists who've never been before, we could go sight seeing. At the LEAST we should hit up the Hirshhorn museum.
wasoxygen expressed some interest in this too I think. I'm scheduled for the 2 pm train out of Richmond. I'm just going to change my stop to DC and get another ticket from DC to my hometown for Saturday I think. At any rate I think I should be rolling into the DC train station maybe around 4?
Nice! I wish I could make it up there. I was going to post about an impromptu Ann Arbor meetup for this Saturday night. Lots of Hubski meet ups this weekend. I love it For those unsure about hanging w strangers from the internet, I've had the pleasure of meeting ref, Meriadoc and Wasoxygen before. -great people. -Well Meriadoc gets a little "handsy" but other than that..
OK, for the record, I am expected in DC at around 5 PM. That's later than I thought, but not by much. I'm going to have baggage that it would be preferable to stash somewhere. I have not booked a train back yet, I figure once we flesh out plans I will do so. I also have another friend in D.C. I may try meeting up with.
Yes we are all real people! I promise real people of whom even nowaypablos mom would approve!
IM IN FUCKING RUSSIA either way my mom approves of nobody.
Imagine a really sunny, bright, welcoming place. Now replace it with a cloudy, dark, hostile dystopia.
I so wish I could make it to either of these. I've spent about $1000 each weekend for the last three weekends. :O. I suppose I could keep the trend going and buy some last minute flights but I might not be able to make rent. However, rent isn't due until August 20th, when my roomie gets back so....hmm... We'll see if I get randomly drunk enough to make a purchase between now and then.
mk and I will each kick in $50 and you can crash on my friend's couch. edit: Just spoke to mk and he said he'd throw down $500. edit2: Okay, I never cleared any of this with mk, but damn it would be nice to see ya.
I recognize that what I'm about to say is extremely hard to believe, but I have more friends with couch's. In fact, if you are too drunk after that golf day/ Ann Arbor I could find you a couch too pal.
_refugee_ to shoutout. Additionally, if you can't make it for some reason, but still love us and want to come at some point, you have two options. 1. There are talks of a big, official meetup some around November. That should be fun. 2. Come whenever the fuck you like because I'm always here and want to see you guys.
I'm back in dc on the 18th of August for future planning purposes!
Rude as hell. I hope you have no fun, you dillhole.